- Since the 1980s, because of the inferiority complex, anxiety, the impetuous, and other cultural mentality, the scholars had a logorrhea when the constructed the national literary theory. 上世纪80年代以来,由于受自卑、焦虑、浮躁等文化心态的驱使,学者们在建构民族文论时患上多语症,呈现出了语量超多、语意空洞、语法杂乱、语境自闭等症状。
- The magazine was the marketplace of literary theory. 那本杂志是文学理论激战之论坛。
- National Literary Theory 民族文论
- In general, any literary theory, whichever nation it belongs to, is always accompanied with crisis. 摘要从整体上看,任何民族的文艺理论,都永远会伴随着危机。
- Facing Consuming Culture: What Could Literary Theory do? 在消费文化面前文艺学何为?
- Is It Right or Wrong for Cultural Study to Replace Literary Theory? 是耶?非耶?文化研究代替文学理论?
- The class characteristic of art is his core of literary theory. 艺术的阶级属性,是其文艺思想的核心内容。
- Hou Yuxin has won provincial and national Literary prizes for many times. 多次获省级和国家级文学大奖。
- Liuxie Poetics holds a significant position in his entire literary theory. 刘勰诗学观在他的整个文学理论体系中据有重要一席。
- What Still Remains of Literary Theories? 文学理论还剩下什么?
- Cultural Studies provides an indispensable background for the reflection on literary theory as a discipline. 摘要文化研究是文艺学学科反思的重要学术背景。
- Cultural criticism and literary criticism are two heterogeneous modes that must be excluded from literary theory. 文化批评与文学批评是两种异质性的批评模式,因此文学理论必须将文化批评拒之门外。
- Ouyang Xiu's theory about calligraphy is an integral part of his entire literary theory. 摘要欧阳修关于书法的理论很值得重视,是欧阳修整个文艺理论与审美体系中不可或缺的一部分。
- The modernity of literary theory is evident scientism and systematism of diction. 文学理论的现代性表现为理论言语的科学化与体系化。
- Roman Jacobson's linguistic poetic criticism remains a difficulty in literary theory. 雅各布森的语言学诗学批评一直是文学理论的难点。
- Culler, Jonathan. (1997). Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 中译本:吴新发译(1995):文学理论导读。台北:书林。
- Second, the transformative system of academic identity is a necessary means for the development of literary theory. 其次,学术认同的转换机制是文学理论自我发展的必要手段。
- Third, the reflexive system of academic identity is to ensure a benign development of literary theory. 在这个过程中,需要审慎地面对学术资源如何“翻译”、怎样“误读”乃至不断“滥用”等问题。
- I was drown into literary theory when I encounter Milan Kundra's theoretical books. 唉,希望下次别再碰到这么麻烦的事。还是说说今晚看的三出戏吧。
- In a certain sense, the development of literary theory is based on the system of identity in academic field. 在一定意义上,文学理论的发展,正是以学术场中的认同机制为保障的。