- National Iranian Oil Co. 伊朗国家石油公司
- National Iranian Oil Company 伊朗国家石油公司
- ELEA OLIVE OIL - LOUTRAKI OIL CO. 销售特纯初榨橄榄油ELEA,品质上乘,营养丰富。
- We don't know how things are going to look next month or in December,' said Shokri Ghanem, head of Libya's National Oil Co. 当前有很多不确定性,我们不知道下个月或12月的时候情况会怎样。
- Oil, meanwhile, is off its peak and increasing Saudi capacity could soon cope with a threatened Iranian oil cut-off. 与此同时,石油产量自峰顶回落,而沙特阿拉伯的石油产能增长,伊朗石油减产带来的威胁会很快迎刃而解。
- The Iranian Oil Bourse establishing Euro-based pricing of oil is set to open on February 19th 2008 and could have devastating effects on the US dollar. 伊朗石油交易所将于2008年2月19日起以欧元来结算,这将对美元产生毁灭性的不良影响。
- The Iranian Oil Minister Gholam-Hussein Nozari said more than enough oil is being supplied. 他补充说,产油国改善基础设施、稳定石油政策对提高产油能力很重要。
- The IEA did not see any end soon to the supply problems in Nigeria, or to concerns about future Iranian oil supplies following Tehran's standoff over its nuclear plans. 国际能源机构认为,尼日利亚的供应问题不会很快得到解决,而随着伊朗核问题陷入僵持局面,对伊朗未来石油供应的担心短期内也不会消除。
- "The initial estimation of the project's cost is about $2 billion," Iranian Oil Minister Gholam Hossein Nozari told reporters at the signing ceremony in Tehran. 在德黑兰的签署仪式上,伊朗石油部长...告诉记者,这个项目预计花费20万美元。
- It is worthy of making reference to the American UOP's olefine oligomerization process to prepare nonene and the Japanese Maruzen Oil Co. 国内兰州炼油厂以壬烯和苯酚为原料,采用活性白土为催化剂的工艺所生产的壬基酚质量优于其他催化剂工艺,应大力推广。
- Facing the hard daily competition, Beijing Eisen-Lubao staffs are being well prepared to the challenges of the tomorrow.Beijing Eisen-LuBao Oil Co. 面对越来越激烈的市场竞争,绿宝人已做好充分的准备去挑战明天。
- On the other hand, Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar-Zangeneh also told Hiranuma that he encourages Japanese companies to participate in the natural gas development plan at South Pars of the Persian Gulf. 另一方面,伊朗石油部长桑加尼也对平沼说,他鼓励日本公司参与波斯湾SouthPars天然气田的开发计画。
- National Iranian Petro-Chemical Company of Teheran 德黑兰伊朗国家石油化学公司
- Trinidad and Tobago Oil Co. 特立尼达和多巴哥石油公司
- Amoco International Oil Co. 阿莫科国际石油公司
- Royal Dutch Shell Oil Co. 皇家荷兰壳牌石油公司。
- TOTAL SINOCHEM OIL Co. 中化道达尔油品有限公司, 是由中国中化集团和法国道达尔集团共同投资成立的中外合资企业。
- Meng Xianbin, vice director of Agricultural Development Bank of China and Huang Tianxi, mayor of Shaoyang Municipal Government, come to Zhongfu Edible Oil Co, Ltd. to make an inspection. 中国农业发展银行总行副行长孟献斌,邵阳市市长黄天锡莅临中富油脂考察。
- Our newspaper is a national newspaper. 我们的报纸是全国性的报纸。
- The national debts of that country are rolling up. 那个国家的国债在不断地增加。