- The National Institutes of Health supported the research. 国家卫生研究所赞助了这项研究。
- International Postdoctor of National Institute of Health, USA 1973-1976. 美国国际研究员1973-1976。
- Corrado Spadafora, of Italy's National Institute of Health, in Rome, studies this little-known puzzle. Corrado Spadafora在位于罗马的意大利国家健康研究所,研究这一鲜为人知的难题。
- This study was funded by the National Institute of Health and the American Gastroenterological Association. 这项研究是由美国国家卫生研究所和美国胃肠病协会资助。
- Experts at NIH, the national institute of health suggested some ways to treat excessive ear wax yourself. 国家健康学院的专家建议了一些自己清除过多耳垢的方法。
- The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health. 这项研究是由国家卫生研究所资助进行的。
- Rasgon's research was funded by the National Institutes of Health. 罗根的研究项目是由国家健康委员会资助的。
- This work was supported in part bythe National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NationalInstitutes of Health) and ALSAC. 此工作得到国家过敏、感染性疾病协会(国家卫生部)及ALSAC的部分资助。
- The National Toxicology Program (NTP), a branch of the National Institute of Health, is comprised of some of the top physicians and scientists. 国家毒理学规划处( NTP)是国家卫生研究所的一个分支,是由一些顶尖的医生和科学家组成。
- Samples taken by Lao epidemiologists and Thai clinicians were tested by the National Institute of Health in Thailand and were positive for H5N1 infection. 由老挝流行病学家和泰国临床医生采集的样本经泰国国立卫生研究院检测H5N1感染呈阳性。
- NCCAM is one of the centers of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 国家辅助和替代治疗医学中心是国家卫生署所辖的一个中心。
- Created at the National Institute of Health in the US, the vaccine has undergone clinical tests on animals and a small number of people, with positive results. 该疫苗由美国国家卫生研完所研制,已在动物和小部分人身上进行临床测试,效果理想。
- The NTP is located at the NIEHS, part of the National Institutes of Health. NTP位于NIEHS,NIEHS是国立卫生研究所的一部分。
- A researcher studies cell cultures. (Image courtesy of the National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health. 研究人员细看细胞培植。(相片由国立卫生学院,国立眼科学院提供)
- He is director of the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health, which cosponsored the study. 但是眼压升高与青光眼并非同义词,因为在更早的随机临床试验中,并无此种好处的证实。
- Experts at the National Institute Institutes of Health say good dental care starts at birth. 国家健康机构的专家称,良好的牙齿护理需要从出生开始。
- The strategy, announced on9 March by Tommy Thompson, head of the Department of Health and Human Services, combines a nationwide education and advertising campaign with a revamp of obesity research across the National Institute of Health( NIH). 这一计划是美国卫生和公共服务部部长汤米·姆森3月9日宣布的,它把全国范围的教育和宣传活动与国家卫生研究院肥胖研究的调整结合了起来。
- The National Institute on Drug Abuse is a component of the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 美国国立药物滥用研究所是美国健康与公众服务部国立卫生研究院的下属机构。
- Jiangxi National Institute of Aves . 江西国立鸟类研究所。
- America's National Institutes of Health, for example, spends20 times as much on AIDS as on TB. 比如,美国国家医疗协会在艾滋病研究上的支出是肺结核病的20倍。