- National Education Ideal 国家教育理想
- At present publicity and education on human rights have been included in national education and vocational training. 目前,人权的宣传教育已纳入了国民教育和职业培训之中。
- Of the 592 model workers in the national education system,women accounted for 150,or 25.3 percent of the total. 评选出“全国教育系统劳动模范”592人,其中女性150人,占总数的25.;3%25。
- Received 3rd rewards from national education department for work on fibronectin expression in hypoxia and shock in 1993. 1993年缺氧与休克时纤维连接蛋白的研究获国家教委叁等奖。
- Fonda has identified a problem that strikes at the heart of the American meritocratic educational ideal. 方达发现的这个问题直逼美国英才教育理念的要害。
- Of the 592 model workers in the national education system, women accounted for 150, or 25.3 percent of the total. 评选出“全国教育系统劳动模范”592人,其中女性150人,占总数的25.;3%25。
- The legal framework of education in Thailand is based on the 1997 Constitution and the 1999 National Education Act. 其法律基础是1997年新宪法和1999年国家教育法。
- National Education. Another important initiative we are taking is what we call National Education. 国民教育:另一个我们主动采取的重要计划是我们所谓的国民教育。
- The national education hasn't freed householders of the obligation to their children. 国家教育并未解除家长对其子女的责任。
- Compared with national education policy, the supr-national education policy has particularity and complexity. 与民族国家教育政策相比,超国家教育政策具有特殊性和复杂性。
- In the view of aim, benefit, affect, execution, New China's national education policy is successful in totality. 新中国民族教育政策目标明确、运行良好、社会效益和政治效益明显、影响广泛而深远。
- Emphasizing the study of intercultural adaptation and mental health is practically valuable for our national education. 重视跨文化适应与心理保健的研究,对民族教育有重要的实践指导价值。
- National education has not free the parents from the responsibilities fot their children. 国家教育并未解除家长对其子女的责任。
- In a nutshell,national education should be accompanied by legal changes that would accord its people basic civil rights. 只有在法治的条件下,现代价值观才能最终在全社会得到认同。
- The ETS and China's National Education Examinations Authority worked jointly on their network to meet the increased demand for TOEFL in China. 为了满足中国内地对托福考试日益增长的需求,美国教育考试服务中心与中国教育部考试中心通力合作,实现了网络扩容。
- Each year on that day the National Education Association calls for every child and every community in America to celebrate reading. 每年的这一天,国家教育协会都会号召美国的每个儿童和团体来以阅读的方式纪念他,
- These CEF levels are increasingly used and accepted as the standard by governments, national education systems and companies. 欧共体语言教学大纲的语言水平现在越来越多地被各国政府、国家教育系统和公司所使用及接受。
- The school provides a trilingual (Chinese, English, and Malay) learning environment while adhering to the national education policy. 作为一间私立、完全仰赖社会公众人士支持的华校,本校矢志委身于提供高品质的教育。
- In 1993,5,971 people were cited as exemplary teachers and education workers in the national education system,among them 1,702 being women,or 28.5 percent of the total. 1993年,全国共表彰、奖励“全国教育系统优秀教师和教育工作者”5971人,其中女性1702人,占总数的28.;5%25。
- For example,we are pressing National Education in schools,both in the formal as well as informal curriculum,to bring home the importance of multi-racial harmony. 譬如,我们在学校的正式以及非正式课程中加倍注重国民教育,让学生了解种族和谐的重要性。