- In restless dreams I walk alone. Narrow streets of cobble stone. 在这无休止的梦中,我独自漫步在鹅卵石铺就的小路。
- In restless dreams I walked alone narrow streets of cobble stone. 在不安的睡梦里,我独自游荡在小街上
- Narrow streets of cobble stone. 行走在鹅卵石铺就的狭窄街道上。
- In restless dreams I walked along Narrow streets of cobble stone Beneath the halo of a street lamp 在一个不眠之夜,我沿着狭窄的扑满鹅卵石街道走着,空中有街灯照着
- Narrow streets of cobble stone 狭窄的鹅卵石小巷
- In restless dreams I walk alone, narrow streets of cobblestone. 我独自一人徜徉在这无尽的梦里,我看到一条铺满鹅卵石的狭窄街道。
- In restless dreams I walked alone, narrow streets of cobblestone. 前一首1966年同名单曲获美国排行榜冠军;
- She raced her car through the narrow streets of the town. 她开着车在小镇狭窄的街道上飞快地穿行。
- Old Riga with its labyrinth of cobble stoned streets is a live open-air museum containing more than 150 architectural monuments. 老里加的街道是鹅卵石铺就的迷宫,150多个路标式建筑更使其成为活生生的露天博物馆。
- Pedicabs are still preferred by residents in the narrow streets of Chichin. 2. 图1:旗津地理环境特殊,街道多半窄短,不利汽车行驶,故居民仍使用三轮车为交通工具。
- Enjoy the narrow cobble stone streets and quant atomosphere. 喜欢那铺满鹅卵石的狭窄街道和泛舟的氛围。
- AS ELECTION day drew to a close last week, the narrow streets of Algeria's capital erupted. 当上周选举日结束时,阿尔及利亚首都的狭窄街道沸腾了。
- Follow the scent of jasmines and spices into the narrow streets of 'Little India'. 循着茉莉花和香料的香味,走进‘小印度’窄小的街道上。
- Dump trucks, 18-wheelers and other vehicles have been rumbling(8) down the narrow streets of St. 居民们说:周三,大卡车、18轮的重型货车和其他的汽车都驶进圣加百列狭窄的街道,为临时停尸房做准备。
- A short walk through the narrow streets of Florence brings visitors to the famous Uffizi Gallery. 稍作散步一番走过佛罗伦萨狭窄的小巷,游客将来到著名的乌菲齐美术馆。
- Against a rising thrum from the narrow streets of the red-light district below, Mr Holbrooke asked: “What is the crisis of Pakistan? 在下面红灯区狭街道传来的敲击声中,霍尔布鲁克问道:“巴基斯坦的危机是什么?”
- Since then there have been some fourteen runners who left their lives on the cold slabs of the narrow streets of the run. 自此之后,已经有十四个把性命留在路跑狭窄街道的冷冰冰厚板上的路跑者了。
- A gang of young activists are deflating the tyres of what they regard as anti-social urban tanks which clog the narrow streets of the Left Bank. 一群年轻运动人士专门把那些被他们视为反社会都市坦克车的轮胎放气,因为这些车辆将巴黎左岸的狭宰街道挤得寸步难行。
- Thousands crowded the narrow streets of the southwestern Irish town of Killorglin on August10 to witness the coronation of" King Puck" on the first day of the ancient" Puck Fair". 据悉,“布克节”是当地一个非常古老的节日,每年的8月10日到8月12日举办。在以往,每逢此节日,在外地工作的奇罗格林人就会回家与亲人相聚,不过,现在,这个节日已经成为了当地世界闻名的活动日。
- Soon he's forced into participating in a real-life version of a computer game on the narrow streets of Seville, the stakes being extremely high for the entire city. 而他的答案中遗留了一个神秘的录音的资料,由于这原因,他卷入了无止境的神秘,混乱,危险事件之中。