- JIANG Jie-shi Nanking government is reined by GMD in name. 摘要蒋介石南京政府名义上是国民党统治下的政权。
- The storm in the countryside, though distant, nevertheless reverberated in the yamens of the Nanking government. 农村的暴风骤雨虽然离得还远,但是南京政府的衙门里已经可以听到它的震响。
- There have been great developments in cities droved by the government and the market since the establishment of Nanking Government. 南京国民政府成立以后,在政府和市场两种不同力量的共同作用下,我国城市的数量和规模进一步增加,城市得到新的发展。
- All the Big Shots of the Nanking government also came here to have medical treatment, and sometimes took away a nurse to become a new wife. 南京政府所有的头面人物也都来这里看病,有时还带走个护士做姨太太。”
- The Red Army sent an open telegram on May 5,1936 demanding that the Nanking government end the civil war,conduct peace negotiations with the Communists for unity against Japan. 见一九三六年五月五日中国红军要求南京政府停战议和一致抗日的通电。
- Under the pressure of the Japanese aggressors'attacks and the Chinese people's indignation,the Nanking government is beginning to make up its mind to fight. 南京政府在日寇进攻和人心愤激的压迫下,已经开始下定了抗战的决心。
- Politically,our victory spells the end of the reactionary Nanjing government. 这胜利在政治上表示了反动的南京政府的灭亡。
- Before launching the battle, we gave the reactionary Nanjing government one last chance to reconsider. 我们发动战斗以前,曾经给过反动的南京国民党政府最后考虑的时间。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- Before launching the battle,we gave the reactionary Nanjing government one last chance to reconsider. 我们发动战斗以前,曾经给过反动的南京国民党政府最后考虑的时间。
- On the System of Political Tutelage of the Nanking Government 南京国民政府训政体制论
- During the period of Nanjing government, the primary decision-making power is mainly predominated by the returned students from Japan. 摘要南京政府时期,留日归国学生掌握了主要权力。
- After Nanjing Government declared that the country got united in 1928, the movement of armaments reduction developed quickly. 摘要南京国民政府成立之后,随着北伐成功以及中国形式上统一,裁兵运动重新提上议事日程。
- The Nanjing Government determined the nature of military dissension broken out between Xikang and Tibet in 1930 to be local dispute and opposed to the interference of Britain. 南京国民政府将 1930年爆发的康藏纠纷定性为地方性冲突事件 ,反对英国插手干涉 ;
- Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。
- The government answerable to the people. 政府应为他的人民负责。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- The whole country requested the Nanjing Government to launch a war of resistance against Japan. Chiang, however, insisted on summoning up all forces to first deal with the CCP. 全国各界民众要求抗日救亡,但蒋介石南京政府则采取先安内,后攘外的政策,继续剿共。
- The government's intervention in this dispute will not help. 政府对这场争论的干预不会起作用。