- Nakajima Masaki 中岛正树(1905-),日本人,实业家。
- You're referred to as Professor Nakajima. 中岛老师。
- Nagumo Masaki finished the Bio System. 名云(木正)制成生化系统。
- But they wouldn't have it and Nakajima instead partnerd Senna at Lotus. 但威廉姆斯不愿意这样做,于是中岛悟去了莲花搭档塞纳。
- Kazuki Nakajima insists he is fully fit to tackle the Malaysian grand prix. 中岛一贵坚持说,他是完全适合解决马来西亚大奖赛.
- Japan's Masaki Morinaga came out on top, winning with a leap of 8.08 meters for gold. 日本选手盛中以一跳8.;08米的成绩获得金牌。
- I'm terribly sorry,Mr. Andrews,Mr. Nakajima will be in conference all day today. 非常抱歉,安德鲁先生。中岛先生今天要开一整天的会。
- Miss Nakajima,I have a letter I would like you to prepare. Could you take care of it now? 中岛小姐,我要你准备一封信,你现在可以处理吗?
- Nakajima enjoyed his Formula 1 debut at the season finale in Brazil as a replacement for Alexander Wurz. 中岛非常享受07赛季最后一场巴西站的比赛,因为他代替了亚历山大·伍尔兹,成功上演了自己的F1“处子秀”。
- For the purpose of digital image encryption, Masaki Miyam et al extend the classical baker transformation to its truncated version. 为了对数字图像进行加密 ,MasakiMiyam等把经典面包师变换推广到截断面包师变换情形 ;
- Miss Nakajima, I have a letter I would like you to prepare. Could you take care of it now? 中岛小姐,我要你准备一封信,你现在可以处理吗?
- Hisane Masaki,"China,Japan Tug-of-War over Indochina",Asia Times Online:Japan News and Japanese Business and Economy,Oct 5,2005. 除新加坡2006年经济增长率和2007年经济增长预期由新加坡贸易和工业部提供外;其余均为亚洲开发银行提供.
- But as the million yen deadline nears, where will life's road take Suzuko and her budding relationship with Nakajima? 很快,存款又要达到目标了。然而,铃子遇到了大学生中岛。她爱上了温柔的中岛。
- You have a new team mate in Kazuki Nakajima this year, how are you two getting on? 今年你有了新队友中岛一贵,你们两个处的怎么样?
- Nagashima will portray the character Ken Nakajima, a tough, motorcycle riding officer with a strong sense of justice. 难道你要同一个女人谁坠入爱河,喜欢打扮,并逮捕重罪罪名?
- I thought it would be okay, but then Nakajima ran into the front of my car and took off the front corner. 本站其实出现很多超车镜头,当时我第一个想法就是,哈米顿,看吧,这样才是超车!
- Okano Masaki is Fuji Xerox Corporation in Japan and Asia Pacific service business is also the President of the company business card printing management outsourcing service. 冈野正树是富士施乐株式会社日本和亚太区服务业务总裁,同时也是该公司制卡管理外包服务负责人。
- This time I had a good start: the main straight is quite long, but it wasn't enough to pass Nakajima. 这一次我的发车不错:主直道很长,不过没能让我有足够的空间超过中岛一贵。
- Masaki T,Kimara S,Yanagisawa M,et al. Molecular and cellular mechanism of endothelin regulation implications for vascular function[J].Circulation,1991,84:1457. 陈维州;张培智.;银杏叶提取物的药理和临床研究进展[J]
- Williams could perhaps have averted the situation by dropping either Piquet or Mansell and putting Satoru Nakajima in the second car. 也许威廉姆斯本可以放弃皮奎特或曼赛尔中的一人,而让中岛悟充当第二车手。