- Nagaoka Satoshi 长冈达(1926-),日本人,医学教授。
- Mitchell, John Piggott, Satoshi Shimizutani. 作者声明: Olivia S.
- The vending machines in city hall of Nagaoka, provided bottles of tea and water to residents after an earthquake struck the Chuetsu area there. 在长冈市政厅的贩卖机,在地震重创中越地区后,供应瓶装茶水给当地居民。
- Hotel New Otani Nagaoka - Guide to rooms, restaurants and bars, access, and facilities. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Is located in the Jiading district of the town of Nagaoka, was built in the Southern Dynasties Leung Tin supervisor 10 years (511). 座落在嘉定区外冈镇,始建于南朝梁天监十年(511年)。
- Citing Nagaoka's local culture, Tanaka explained why she hired employees of her family firm to be her parliament assistants. 田中引用新舄地方文化的理由,解释她为何借调家族企业员工担任国会助理。
- An origami dragon created by Satoshi Kamiya without the aid of computer software. The folding alone took 40 hours spread out over several months. 不借助电脑软件,用一种日本产的书画纸手工折成。作者单独花了几个月,将近40个小时完成。
- Tung, engraved with the "Hope tobacco firm, Nagaoka's grave," a hole next to Juan "Yunyan son, Liu Zhijian, Nagaoka door, Sanyang hole" 12 words. 仙岩西边这座山头,就是著名的灵烟崮,俗称"老师傅坟"。因为崮顶部有一石椁,据说是华楼最早的开山祖师"羽化"后的藏骨处。
- Web Services Toolkit. Satoshi Hada is a researcher in the IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory, involved in messaging research. 羽田知史是IBM东京研究实验室的研究人员,从事消息传递的研究工作。
- Recent Development in Open System for EMS/SCADA[J].Yutaka Kokai Fumio Masuda Satoshi Horike Yasuji Sekine Electric Power&Energy System Vol.20 No.2. 姜彬;罗玉孙;叶周.;面向对象技术在EMS图像系统中的应用[C]
- Low-ranking samurai Hikoshiro Bessho (Tsumabuki Satoshi) is hardworking, educated, and skilled in swordfighting, but as a second son, he gets nothing. 一天,彦四郎在炒面店里遇到了昔日同窗榎本武扬,相较落魄的彦四郎,榎本如今已经当上了军舰头取。
- We are mainly marketing some famous brand food additives such as Nagaoka's flavor, Ringe+Kulhman's natural color, Herbstreith &Fox's pectin, FMC'S MCC and so on. 同时,公司为满足广大客户的需求,自主开发了一系列的复配稳定剂产品。
- Satoshi Kanai, Ryohta Sasaki, and Takeshi Kishinami. Representation of Product and Processes for Planning Disassembly, Shredding, and Material Sorting based on Graphs. (). 施震.;家电产品回收工艺流程决策评价支持系统的研究:[硕士学位论文]
- "We were initially interested in what plants are feeling and what they are reacting to where we can't see," said Satoshi Kuribayashi, a researcher involved in the project at Japan's Keio University. 日本庆应义塾大学参与该项目的研究员栗林说:“最初我们是想了解植物的‘情绪变化’,以及在人不知晓的情况下,会做出怎样的回应。”
- Following "Ima, Ai ni Yukimasu" (adapted into movie of same title) and Satoshi Toyama (Takayuki Yamada) owns an aquatic plants shop named "Trash" and lives a normal life in a quiet small town. 幼师发誓要建立最好的小吃店的远山智史,一天遇到了在超级旅馆工作的森川铃音,2人由于机缘巧合又住到了一起。
- Satoshi Kon is a highly-regarded director. His films are characterized by psychological complexity, realistic character and background designs, and the blurring of dream and reality. 今敏是备受尊敬的导演。他的电影总是充斥着心理纠结、现实特性、背景设计以及梦境和现实的交错混乱。
- J.Zhao. , Y.Miyashita. , Y.Mutoh. ,: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagaoka University of 原始页: 2008年.;所有权利保留
- S.Matsunaga.* ,: Division of General Education, Nagaoka National College of Technology, N 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容
- M.Manickam. , M.Takata.* ,: Department of Electrical Engineering, Nagaoka University of T原始页: 2008年.;所有权利保留