- Nagai Katsuichi 长井胜一(1921-),日本人,出版商。
- The Nagai were eventually repulsed. 不过这些纳丐人最后没能得逞。
- Nagai Tetsuo, Kunimura Shogo, Sun J. 国家电力公司成都勘测设计研究院。
- Ed Asner voices Carl, and newcomer Jordan Nagai voices Russell. ”卡尔爱德华艾斯纳尔声音,约旦和新长的声音罗素。
- Ohuchida K. Mizumoto K. Murakami M. Qian LW. Sato N. Nagai E. Matsumoto K. Nakamura T. Tanaka M. 关键词:放射线作用于基质纤维母细胞,通过肿瘤-基质相互作用,增加了胰腺癌细胞的侵袭和转移来源:九州抗癌药物网
- She then surfaced on the planet Kinooine, with her collection of Imperial forces allied with fearsome Nagai invaders. 接着,她在基努因星球现身。她麾下的帝国军队与可怕的纳盖入侵者结盟。
- Nagai T,Tomizama T,Mori M.Effect of pancreatic elastase on diabetic nephropathy[J].Diabetes care,1993,8:1212. 吴石白;朱西娥.;胰激肽释放酶片治疗糖尿病肾病白蛋白尿20例临床观察[J]
- S. Takano, M. Nagai, T. Taniguchi and T. Hatano, “Study on a vehicle dynamics model for improving roll stability,” JASE Review, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2003, pp.149-156. 蔡博任,独立悬吊系统之运动分析,国立台北科技大学车辆工程研究所硕士论文,台北,2003。
- Tetsuo Nagai is a probation officer.His job is to rehabilitate young offenders and get them on the straight and narrow.Married with one son, he lives a happy life. 永井彻生(江口洋介饰)是一位保护观察官,守护著青少年罪犯,引导他们走回正途。
- T. C. Merkel, V. I. Bondar, K. Nagai, B. D. Freeman, I. Pinnau, Gas sorption, diffusion and permeation in poly(dimethylsilioxane), J. polym. Sci.: B Polym. Phys. 38 (2000) 415-434. 苏一铭,利用聚氨基甲酸酯-沸石薄膜来分离乙苯/苯乙烯,长庚大学化工与材料工程研究所硕士论文,台湾2004。
- Casting off Imperial and Trandoshan shackles, the mighty forest-dwellers were again visited by the pall of slavery when would-be Nagai conquerors attempted to continue the vile trade. 然而这个强壮的树栖民族刚刚摆脱了帝国和川多刹人的桎梏,却又面临着新的压迫:以征服者身份前来的纳丐人想要继续那种卑劣的奴隶买卖。
- Nagai, M., Hori, M., Goto, T., 2005, “Decomposition and Polymerization of Perfluorinated Compounds in Microwave Excited Atmospheric Pressure Plasma”, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 97, 123304-1-123304-5. 李灏铭等,2001,“非热电浆触媒程序去除全氟化物”,第19届触媒与反应工程研讨会论文集,6月15日。
- Author Wang Xinquan;Cheng Dongsheng;Shigeaki Nagai;Nobuyuki Kusakabe; 作者王新泉;陈东生;长井茂明;日下部信幸;
- Ferenczy A,Mitao M,Nagai N,et al. Latent papillomavirus and recurring genital warts. N Engl J Med 1985;313:784 施秀广.;湿疣汤、湿疣煎剂治愈尖锐湿疣40例
- Yamamoto Katsuichi 山本胜一(1932-),日本人,工会负责人。
- J. H. Jiang, M. W. Wu, M. Nagai, and M. Kuwata-Gonokami, "Formation and decay of 此外,我们也研究了金刚石中的电子-空穴液滴的动力学,成功地解释了东京大学的实验。
- Honda Katsuichi 本多胜一(1931-),日本人,记者。
- Tsukamoto Katsuichi 冢本胜一(1921-),日本人,陆军军官。
- 2 Nagai HA. New method of laparoscopic cholecystectomy: an abdominal wall lifting technique without penumoperitoneum. 1高毅,杨继震,俞金龙.;扇型腹壁悬吊器在免气腹腹腔镜手术中的应用
- 2 Nagai HA. New Method of laparoscopic cholecystectomy: An abdominal walllifing technique without penumoperitoneum. 1陈训如,卫仕臣.;腹腔镜胆囊切除术