- NANB hepatitis virus 非甲非乙肝炎病毒
- SEN virus, a recently discovered hepatitis viruses? SEN病毒:一种新近发现的肝炎病毒?
- Using RNA interference to treat hepatitis virus: hope for future development. RNA干扰抗肝炎病毒治疗的希望与发展方向
- The chicken inclusion body hepatitis virus could induce SPF chicken to synthesize TNF with the infection by mouth. 研究结果表明,鸡包涵体肝炎病毒经口腔感染SPF雏鸡可刺激机体产生TNF,在感染的不同日龄鸡的TNF活性出现一定的消长规律。
- Methods: 103 cases of HIV and hepatitis virus in 248 patients hospitalized for ADIS complication are evaluated. 方法 :对本院 2 48例因并发症而住院治疗的AIDS病人中 10 3例HIV和肝炎病毒混合感染情况进行流行病学分析。
- Biology: mildew,legionnella,tubercle bacillus,Shigella shigae,salmonella,Staphylococcus aureus and hepatitis virus. 生物性:霉菌、军团菌、结核杆菌、痢疾杆菌、沙门氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、肝炎病毒等。
- This is a report that the result of mouse hepatitis virus in closing colony mice are cleaned by cesarotomy. 本文报告以无菌剖腹产术净化小鼠肝炎病毒感染的小鼠种群的结果。
- P... Parainfluenza... a virus that along with the Hepatitis virus can cause upper respiratory infections. 犬钩端螺旋体病:一种主要感染肾脏的细菌。这一类细菌主要感染人类、牛、犬只、猪和其他哺乳类。
- By using a related hepatitis virus, which targets only the liver, the researchers ensured that treatment would be specific to the site of infection. 利用一个以肝脏为靶标,且有关系的肝炎病毒,研究人员相信治疗可以具有特异性局部性。
- The other main type of hepatitis and, for out purpose, the more important, is caused by IH virus (infectious hepatitis virus). 另一类型肝炎--对于我们尤为重要的--是由IH病毒(传染性肝炎病毒)引起的。
- Objective To study the relationship between blood screening unqualified in unpaid blood donator and hepatitis virus infecting in Xi an city. 目的探讨西安市无偿献血人群中血液检测不合格数与肝炎病毒感染的关系。
- Objective To construct the prokaryotic expression plasmid expressing woodchuck hepatitis virus core antigen(WHcAg) and prepare polyclonal antibodies. 目的构建土拨鼠肝炎病毒核心蛋白质粒并进行原核表达、抗体制备。
- Following drug withdrawal most woodchucks displayed renewed hepatitis virus replication, but some did experience sustained effects. 停药后土拔鼠再次显示肝炎病毒复制,但是有些产生持久作用力。
- Hepatitis A The virus hepatitis A (hepatitis A for short) is an acute infectious disease characterized by the damage of the liver tissue caused by hepatitis virus A. 甲肝甲型病毒性肝炎(简称甲肝)是由甲型肝炎病毒引起的以肝组织损害为特征的急性传染病。
- Of course, the bioevolutionists could also harvest an antibody against, say, a hepatitis virus and then evolve an imitation hepatitis virus to match the antibody. 当然了,生物进化论者也可能收获一种抗体对抗,比如说,肝炎病毒,之后演化出一种仿肝炎病毒来与抗体相匹配。
- RT-PCR was performed to check mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) in 84 mice coming from different units, including 6 varieties and 2 grades (conventional and SPF). 实验应用RT-PCR方法对来自不同单位、6个品系、不同等级的84只小鼠进行了MHV检测。
- Subsequently, the mouse model of acute hepatitis virus infection was established by intraperitoneal injection of mouse hepatitis virus MHV-A59 in Balb/c mouse. 随后,通过对Balb/c小鼠腹腔注射小鼠肝炎病毒MHV-A59,建立肝炎病毒急性感染小鼠模型。
- RESULTS: Baogan pills could improve liver function and inhibit replication of hepatitis virus, especially could improve the early parameters of hepatocirrhosis. 结果:保肝丸有改善肝功能和抑制病毒复制的作用,尤其对肝硬化的早期指标有改善作用。
- Diagnosis: Chronic hepatitis virus, hepatitis hepatitis virus carriers, early cirrhosis, severe hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis, fatty liver, liver ascites. 诊断范围:慢性病毒肝炎、乙肝大三阳、乙肝小三阳、肝炎病毒携带者、早期肝硬化、重症肝炎、酒精性肝炎、脂肪肝、肝腹水。
- Lee,YS; Yovn,SJ .Immune response induced by immunization with Hepatitis virus core DNA isolated from chronic active hepatitis patients[J].Immunollett.2001,78(1):1320. 贾战生,慢性乙型肝炎病毒携带者外周单个核细胞体外抗原诱导的抗体反应[J].;第四军医大学学报,2000,20(7):4547