- What do myopic eye and normal eye have to differ? 近视的眼睛和正常的眼睛有什么不同?
- How can myopic eye just become not myopic eye? 近视的眼睛怎样才能变成不近视的眼睛?
- Research on Cornea Ablating Pattern for Myopia Eyes 近视眼角膜消融模式的研究
- Result There were some correlations among the above factors in myopic eyes. 结果近视患者多项屈光因子之间存在相关关系。
- Are 400 degrees of myopic eyes the false sex of true sex? How to restore? ? 四百度近视的眼睛是真性的假性的?怎样恢复呢??
- Data showed that ciliary ganglion transection can not prevent the myopic eye growth, and optic nerve transection can not block the lid-suture induced myopia. 结果,睫状神经节切除并未能有效抑制近视化眼轴增长,而且视神经切除也无法阻断眼睑缝合近视的产生。
- Study on corneal posterior surface topography in myopia eyes 近视眼患者角膜后表面地形图的研究
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看着他。
- Her eyes are the most catching I have ever seen. 她的眼睛是我见到过的最迷人的。
- M-ERG and ERG changes in high myopia eyes with retinal detachment 伴视网膜脱离的高度近视眼m-ERG和传统视觉电生理改变
- A retrospective study of subretinal foveal hemorrhage in 34 high myopic eyes during the past 8 years is presented. 摘要本文报告过去八年中,因高度近视合并黄斑部中心窝出血于荣总眼科视网膜门诊追踪之病患29名(34眼);
- Conclusions The posterior vitreous schisis formed in macular zone in highly myopic eyes with macular hole RD. 结论高度近视眼并发的黄斑孔源性视网膜脱离患者,黄斑区形成玻璃体劈裂。
- Objective To study the relations between central corneal thickness, central corneal diopter and eye axis in myopic eye. 目的探讨不同屈光度近视眼的角膜中央厚度、角膜中央屈光力及眼轴长度的关系。
- Objective To approach the ultrastructure characteristics of vitreoretinal interface in highly myopic eyes with macular hole retinal detachment (RD). 摘要目的探讨高度近视眼并发的黄斑孔源性视网膜脱离患者的玻璃体视网膜界面特征。
- One-year retreatment incidence was 10.5% overall, 12.1% for myopic eyes, and 6.2% for hyperopic eyes, compared with rates from previous studies ranging from 5.5% to 28%. 一年内再进行手术的比率为10.;5%25,近视的再度治疗率为12
- He looked at me with hatred in his eyes. 他以憎恨的眼光望着我。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- He looked at it with dilated eyes. 他睁大了眼睛看它。
- Methods:96 patients(192 myopic eyes) were given mental nursing,health education, corresponding nursing at preoperation and during operation and postoperation. 方法:分别对96例(192眼)行准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术的近视眼患者实施心理护理、健康教育、术前、术中及术后相应的护理。