- Mycophenolate mofefil 霉酚酸酯
- Major components: 400B, H100, Firming factor, mycophenolate drug-alcohol. 主要成份: 400B、H100、控油因子、红霉药醇。
- GVHD prophylaxis regimen consisted of cyclosporine(CsA) and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF). 移植物抗宿主病 (GVHD)的预防采用环孢菌素A(csa) +霉酚酸酯 (MMF)方案。
- Including carbendazim, thiabendazole, or mycophenolate triazole, Prochloraz amines, malathion, and so IPRODIONE. 其中包括多菌灵,噻菌灵,抑霉唑,咪鲜胺,马拉硫磷,异菌脲等。
- Other studies hae added cyclophosphamide and/or mycophenolate mofetil to the plasmapheresis protocol. 另外一些研究将环磷酰胺和/或霉酚酸酯与血浆置换联合应用。
- The drugs with large consumption of anti-rejection drugs were cyclosporin,tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil. 环孢素、霉酚酸酯和他克莫司的消耗较大;
- Leflunomide and mycophenolate mofeli have similar immunosuppressive mechanism and good therapeutic ef-fects. 来氟米特、麦考酚酯的免疫抑制机制类似,疗效明确。
- However, the expected cost of mycophenolate scheme and AZA scheme were 62 800yuan and 72 200 yuan, respectively . 但期望治疗成本霉酚酸酯方案为6.28万元,硫唑嘌呤方案为7.22万元。
- And then either tacrolimus or cyclosporine and sometimes a drug called mycophenolate ( MMF), and those drugs are used initially in higher doses. 然后是他克莫司或者环孢素,另外还有一种药叫做霉酚酸酯(MMF),这几种药开始使用时候的剂量都较高。
- Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) was started 3 weeks before the third transplantation, and preoperative plasmapheresis performed thrice. 第三次移植前3周即开始使用MMF,并在移植前行三次血浆置换。
- To observe the effects of glucocorticoids (GC) and mycophenolate mofe-fil (MMF) in the treatment of CKD caused by glomerular disease. 观察糖皮质激素(GC)、霉酚酸酯(MMF)等对肾小球疾病所致CKD的疗效。
- BACKGROUND: The outcomes of preious trials of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) in treating seere lupus nephritis (LN) are not in exact agreement. 研究背景:以往关于霉酚酸酯治疗重症狼疮性肾炎的研究结果并不一致。
- Fresh anti-corrosion agent commonly used are: Chung-butylamine, Turk and more, or mycophenolate triazole, carbendazim, thiophanate-methyl and so on. 常用防腐保鲜剂有:仲丁胺、特克多、抑霉唑、多菌灵、甲基托布津等。
- Other studies hae added cyclophosphamide and/or mycophenolate mofetil to the plasmapheresis protocol.Again success in these studies has been ariable. 其他的研究者在血浆置换疗法上加用了环磷酰胺或/和霉酚酸酯,同样获得了变异的成功。
- The immunosuppressive regimen consisted of tacrolimus, prednisolone, mycophenolate mofetil (or cyclophosphamide), and prostaglandin E1 in all patients. 免疫抑制方案包括他克莫司、强的松、霉酚酸酯(或环磷酰胺)和前列腺素E1。
- RESULTS: For 1 case of renal transplantation,the costs of mycophenolate scheme and azothioprine scheme were 45 900yuan and 46 300 yuan, respectively . 结果:每治疗1例肾移植,霉酚酸酯治疗方案与硫唑嘌呤治疗方案的例均移植治疗费用分别为4.59万元和4.63万元;
- Sollinger HW. Update of preclinical and clinical experience with mycophenolate mofetil[J]. Transplant-proc 1996; 12; 28(6 suppl 1): 24-9. 胡伟新,黎磊石.;重症狼疮性肾炎合并感染和肾衰霉酚酸酯[J]
- The same: to moisture absorption, and wear comfortable breathable, water washing will shrink, not storage, will mycophenolate borers. 同:吸湿性能好,穿着舒适透气,水洗会收缩,不易储藏,会霉蛀。
- Objective: To investigate the efficacy and safety of mycophenolate mofetil( MMF) in the treatment of membranous nephropathy with primary nephrotic syndrome. 目的:研究霉酚酸酯(mf)疗膜性肾病型原发性肾病综合征的疗效和安全性。
- Understory and the few of the soil, the table is a fungus, Aspergillus, a Trichoderma, mycophenolate cephalosporins, and other small fungus is active places. 林下的凋零物和表土层,是表霉菌属、曲霉属、木霉属、头孢霉属等小型真菌活跃的场所。