- Myanmar rs military junta 缅甸军政府
- The military junta is determined to put down all political opposition. 这个军人集团决心镇压政治上的一切反对派。
- Police in Myanmar have given DVD hawkers strict orders not to stock the new Rambo movie, which features the Vietnam War veteran taking on the former Burma's ruling military junta. 缅甸警方最近下令,严禁DVD小贩囤积最新一集蓝波电影,因为片中蓝波这位越战老兵对抗的目标正是缅甸执政的军政府。
- A military junta that stands accused of countless human rights violations, including forced labor and forced relocations without compensation, rules over Myanmar. 但缅甸目前由军政府所统治,还常被控违反各种人权,包括压榨劳工和无赔偿的强迫迁移。
- A military junta took control of the country. 政变上台的军政府接管了这个国家。
- He did a year rs military service. 他服过一年兵役。
- The middle classes are favourably disposed to wards the new military junta. 中产阶级对这次新的军事政变后上台的军政府表示支持。
- President Bush is to announce a wave of restrictions on Burma's ruling military junta, the White House says. 布希总统将在缅甸的统治军事政务会上宣布限制的浪潮,白宫说。
- It absolved the military junta of plotting to subvert the election by undermining the PPP, despite the discovery of army documents detailing the plot. 它免除了军人政府通过损害PPP来阴谋破坏选举的责任,尽管发现的军方文件详细描述了该计划的细节。
- America reiterates our call on Burma's military junta to release Aung San Suu Kyi and all other political prisoners. 重申我们的呼吁,要求缅甸军政府释放昂山素姬和所有其他政治犯。
- In a phrase echoed recently by Burma's military junta, they announced the beginning of reconstruction before the relief effort had really begun. 在一个最近由缅甸军政府回应的声明中,他们宣布已经开始重建,然而救助工作实际上还尚未开始。
- Officials say foreign workers have begun entering the country's hard-hit delta area after being blocked for weeks by the military junta. 官员表示在被军阀堵塞了数周以后,外国工作人员已经开始进入国家的严重受灾的三角洲地区。
- And if realpolitik dictates, India is perfectly capable of cosying up to a dictatorship, such as the Burmese military junta. 而且,如果是出于现实政治考虑,印度完全有可能亲近一个**政权,比如缅甸军政府。
- And two governments, one a military junta and the other a Communist oligarchy, both traditionally suspicious of outside intervention. 而两个政府,一个是军政府,一个是共产党政权,两者传统上对于外部势力的干预都非常警惕。
- MILTON FRIEDMAN: The Chilean economy did very well, but more important, in the end, the Chilean military junta was replaced by a democratic society. 米尔顿.;弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman):智利的经济运行得非常好,但更重要的是,智利的民主社会最终替代了军人政府。
- The lawsuit accused Unocal of assisting the Burmese military junta in the torture, murder and rape of villagers during construction of the pipeline. 人道机构发出警告表示,目前灾区的卫生条件非常差,水中腐烂的尸体和还没消退的洪水,可能引发疟疾、登革热、痢疾和霍乱等疫情。
- When the military junta opened fire on protesters led by monks in September, the Muslims had an excellent view of the violence. 九月份军人政府向僧人领导的抗议者们开火时,穆斯林们对这场暴力有着极佳的观看视角。
- The country's most popular party has been destroyed by a court set up by the military junta that seized power last year, claiming to be rescuing democracy. 但结果是,该国最受欢迎的政党被军政府设立的法庭迫令解散,后者还口口声声说在拯救民主。
- Despite growing international pressure for democratic reform, the military junta that has ruled Burma for decades shows no inclination of loosening its repressive grip. 尽管国际社会要求缅甸实行民主改革的压力越来越大,但是统治缅甸长达几十年的军政权至今仍然没有显示出任何要减少压迫的迹象。