- My son is only two. 我儿子才两岁多。
- My son is only seven years old,he often enjoys talking a lot and playing toys during the mealtime.For this reason,he still unfinished when the meal was over. 我儿子现只有七岁,他经常在吃饭时说个没完和玩玩具,因为这样,往往在进餐结束时他还没吃完。
- My son is studying at an elementary school. 我儿子在一家小学上学。
- My son is very possessive about his mother. 我的儿子想独占他的母亲。
- This colt is only two months old. 这只小雄驹只有两个月大。
- My son is studying physical chemistry but it's all Greek to me. 我儿子正研究物理化学,但我对此一窍不通。
- The gym is only two blocks away from my home. 健身房离我家就只有两个街区。
- The hotel is only two miles away. 旅馆离开这里只有两英里。
- King: My son is dying! Only you can save him. Come here! 国王:我的儿子快要死了,只有你能救他,快过来。
- I won't have it said that my son is a thief! 我决不让人说我的儿子是小偷。
- My son is clearly no witch at the riddle. 我儿子显然很会猜字谜。
- That street is only two miles long. 那条街只有两英里长。
- My son is head and shoulders taller than me. 我儿子比我高出一头。
- My son is going through a contradictory stage. 我儿子处于反抗期。
- Our destiny is only two transient guests. 我们的宿命只是两个过客。
- My son is not yet old enough to drink alcohol. 我儿子太小还不能喝酒。
- Our inspection is only two hours away. 再过两个小时就该检查我们了。
- My son is very possessive about [of] his mother. 我的儿子想独占他的母亲。
- The actual distance is only two kilometres. 实际距离只不过2千米。
- My son is being bullied at school. 我儿子在学校里受欺负。