- My sister went home alone. 我妹妹独自一人回家去了。
- My sister decided that she must go home. 我妹妹决定她必须回家。
- My sister decided that she must go home . 我妹妹决定她必须回家。
- My sister went off to find the footlights. 我妹妹(离开)去追求演艺业了。
- My uncle is old and can't go home alone in the heavy snow. 我的叔叔年纪大了,在大雪天他不能一个人独自回家。
- My sister goes to a beauty parlor once a week. 我妹妹每周去一次美容院。
- My sister goes to a beauty parlour once a week. 我妹妹每周去一次美容院。
- "Dare you go home alone?" He asked the child. 他问孩子:"你敢一个人回家吗?"
- The girl did not dare to go home alone. 这姑娘不敢一个人回家。
- My sister went to a dinner-dance with her husband today. 今天,妹妹和妹夫参加了餐舞。
- She doesn't dare to go home alone, does she? 她不敢独自回家,是吗?
- She is afraid to go home alone at night. 她晚上不敢单独回家。
- My sister goes to school by car. 我妹妹搭汽车回学校。
- He awaited impatiently the end, when they should go home alone. 他急不可耐地等着戏终场,等着他们单独回家的时刻。
- I'm actually fine with my sister going out with my best friend. 对于我的姐妹和我最好的朋友约会,我没什么意见。
- I know you have a club activity today. I can go home alone, so don't worry about me. 我知道你今天要参加社团活动。我可以自己回家的,不用担心我。
- He wouldn't hear of my walking home alone. 他不许我单独一人走回家。
- ASao selfishness, bitter, make the business's brother-in-law, will house had points to go home alone, a young cow two BoDe mu. 阿嫂私心,苦毒小叔,使唆翁分家伙,将家产霸占去,孤单分给后生家一只老牛两亩薄地。
- My sister is too young to go to school. 我妹妹还未到上学年龄。