- Oh, doctor, my shoulders hurt very much. 医生,我的肩部疼得厉害。
- My shoulders hurt. 我的两肩有点痛。
- My shoulder hurt wickedly each time I put another full barrel on it, and my legs occasionally trembled as I was heading to the street, but the rest of me said, "Go, trashman, go. 每次我将满满的一桶垃圾扛上肩,肩膀就痛得厉害,有时候扛着垃圾朝街上走,腿都打颤,可我心里却对自己说:“挺住,垃圾工,要挺住。
- My shoulder hurt wickedly each time I put another full barrel on it, and my legs occasionally trembled as I was heading to the street.But the rest of me said, "Go, trashman, go. 每次我将满满的一桶垃圾扛上肩,肩膀就痛得厉害,有时侯扛着垃圾朝街上走,腿都打颤,可我心里却对自己说:“挺住,垃圾工,要挺住啊。”
- I want somebody to massage my shoulders. 我想要有人给我按摩肩膀。
- My shoulders and arms hurt, too. 我的肩膀和手臂也痛。
- My shoulder is playing up horribly. 我的肩膀痛得厉害。
- She reclined her head against my shoulder. 她把头倚在我的肩上。
- The straps keep slipping off (my shoulders). 吊带老是(从我肩上)滑下来。
- She reclined her head on my shoulder. 她把头靠在我的肩上。
- He laid a hand upon my shoulder. 他把一只手放在我肩上。
- She burrowed her head into my shoulder. 她把头紧靠在我的肩膀上。
- If you stand on my shoulders you will be able to see over the wall. 如果你站在我肩膀上,你就能看见墙那边了。
- Yeah,but I hurt my shoulder and I can't play football anyone. 嗯,但后来我的肩膀受伤了,现在已经不能再玩橄榄球了。
- I can't play tennis today, I've put my shoulder out. 今天我不能打网球了,我的肩部脱臼了。
- The bruise hurt more, so I didn't notice the pain in my shoulder blade. 瘀伤较疼,所以我没注意到肩甲骨的痛。
- The horse gently nuzzled my shoulder. 那马轻轻地以鼻触我的肩膀。
- 2、My shoulder hurt wickedly each time I put another full barrel on it, and my legs occasionally trembled as I was heading to the street, but the rest of me said, "Go, trashman, go. 每次我将满满的一桶垃圾扛上肩,肩膀就痛得厉害,有时候扛着垃圾朝街上走,腿都打颤,可我心里却对自己说:“挺住,垃圾工,要挺住。
- John placed his hand on my shoulder comfortingly. 约翰把手放在我肩上安慰我。
- Ow... My shoulders feel stiff and my back aches. 噢,我肩酸背痛。