- My nose is itching. 我的鼻子发痒。
- My nose is all blocked up and I can't breathe. 我鼻子塞了,气都透不过来。
- My nose is bunged up with a cold. 由于感冒我的鼻子不通气。
- I can not sleep because my nose is so stopped up. 我鼻子堵塞得睡不着。
- My nose is all blocked up and I can hardly breathe. 我鼻子塞了,气都透不过来。
- I got a bad headache, and my nose is running. 我头痛得厉害,还流鼻涕。
- My nose is stuffed up, ie full of mucus. 我的鼻子堵了(鼻涕多).
- I'm here, but my nose is in the recovery room. 我虽然人在这儿,可是我的鼻子在医务室。
- My nose is running terribly and I have a headache. 我鼻涕流个不停而且头疼。
- My nose is so stopped up that I can't breathe. 我的鼻子塞住了,不能呼吸。
- My nose is stopped up with cold. 冻得我鼻子不通气了。
- My nose is stuffed up and my head aches. 我鼻子不通气,头痛。
- My nose is stuffy and it's giving me a headache. 我鼻塞以至于头疼。
- I have a cough and my nose is running. 我有点咳嗽鼻子也堵了。
- My nose is raw from blowing it so much. 我因擤涕鼻子直发痛。
- My nose is stuffed up with the cold. 由于感冒我的鼻子塞住了。
- My nose is stopping up. I can not breathe. 我的鼻子鼻塞了,不能呼吸。
- I had a bad headache, and my nose is dripping. 我头痛得厉害,还流鼻涕。
- My nose is stopped up with cold . 冻得我鼻子不通气了。
- My nose is stopped up.My nose is stuffy. 我鼻塞。