- My knee is killing me. 我的膝盖疼死了。
- Rose: Hello, Doc. My back is killing me. 萝丝:你好,医师,我的背痛死了。
- One of my lower back teeth is killing me. 我的一个后牙正在痛。
- Stuart: My finger is killing me. 我的手指快痛死了。
- Rose: Hello, Doc. My back is killing me. 萝丝:你好,医师,我的背痛死了。
- My back pain is killing me at work. 我背部的疼痛妨碍我工作。
- My knee is as strong as it was before. 我的膝盖和以前一样强壮。
- My knee is bent out of shape and I can't move it. 我的膝盖有点畸形,动不了。
- My loneliness is killing me I must confess I still belive! 寂寞正在折磨着我,我必须承认我仍然相信.
- Oh,this outfit is killing me! I wanna change soon. 哦,这套衣服太紧了!我想快点换装。
- Oh, this outfit is killing me! I wanna change soon. 哦,这套衣服太紧了!我想快点换装。
- Yes i have to wake up again. Having no practice now is killing me. 是的,我必须从睡梦中清醒过来。我再也无法忍受长时间的缺乏训练。
- Tim, knock it off, would you? Your singing is killing me. 别唱了好吗?你的歌声简直要我的命!
- Few people stop,but the Chihuahua on my knee is my faithful companion. 好在膝上的吉娃娃是我永远的知音。
- My back is killing me. 我的背疼得要命。
- My knee is still not fully recoved yet, have to skip again. Hope see u next Sat. 你错过了认识一个球玩得好,人也好的朋友。希望以后有机会。
- My backache is killing me. 我的背痛要把我折磨死了。
- "To be honest, my comeback has gone better than expected and, as far as my knee is concerned, I feel great," said Bellamy. “坦白的说,我的膝伤一直令我很焦虑,但现今我回归的日期要比预想的要快的多,这让我感觉良好。”
- The malformation of his knee is caused by a fall. 他膝盖的畸形是由摔了一跤造成的。
- Drew:You could say a thing like, my leg is killing me, or, I really buggered up my ankle. 你应该说,我的腿疼死了,或者我把脚崴了。