- My heart fluttered wildly. 我的心猛烈地跳动着
- From time to time, my heart fluttered in my chest with joy and love. A pleasant feverish quickened my blood. 没有了你的陪伴,漫长的夜晚之后接着就是漫长的白天!我的心不时因为欢乐和爱情在胸膛里跳动,我周身感到一阵甜蜜的激情。
- My heart stops. /My heart flutters. 我的心脏几乎要停止了。
- My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。
- More than once I've felt my heart slip a cog. 我不止一次感到心脏突然停跳一下。
- Her heart fluttered for a moment. 她的心脏跳得不规则。
- My heart was thumping with happiness. 我的心兴奋得咚咚直跳。
- My heart would throb wildly then. 我的心疯狂然后将搏动。
- The boy's heart fluttered with excitement. 男孩激动得心脏乱跳。
- I felt as if my heart would burst with joy. 我觉得自己高兴得心花怒放。
- The boy 's heart fluttered with excitement. 男孩激动得心脏乱跳。
- His heart fluttered with excitement. 他因激动而心跳得厉害。
- My heart was thumping (with excitement). 我(激动得)心砰砰跳。
- A heart flutter means heart failure. 对他来说,心脏扑动就是心脏症。
- It breaks my heart to see him crying. 我见他在哭,感到难过极了。
- I steeled my heart against their sufferings. 我对他们的苦难无动於衷。
- My heart flutters like a pennant in the wind 心如悬旌
- Even now when I think about it I feel pain in my heart. 就是现在想起来我心里都感到难受。
- He brought me my heart's desire. 他给我带来了我心里渴望的东西。
- Her heart fluttered like the trembling of a captured bird. 她的心脏像揣了只小鸟一样怦怦乱跳。