- My father wears glasses. 我的爸爸戴眼镜。
- With hearing aids, which my father wore for 20 years, he generally functioned well in quiet settings at close range from the speaker. 我的父亲带了20多年的助听器,在安静环境中离说话者距离较近,他通常可以很好地交流。
- My sister is nearsighted and wears glasses. 我的姐姐近视,戴眼镜。
- In the crystal of the tears , I saw the fat backs of my father wearing blue cotton wadded robe ( dark blue cloth padded gown) and black cloth jacket (a large black cloth jacket ). 我读到此处,在晶莹的泪光中,又看见那肥胖的、青布棉袍黑布马褂的背影。
- My teacher wears glasses all the year. 我的老师一年到头戴着眼镜。
- I can cajole some money out of my father. 我能设法向父亲再要到一点钱。
- Nearsighted people usually wear glasses. 患近视的人一般都戴眼镜。
- My father often wears a black coat. 我爸爸经常穿着一件黑外套。
- People wear glasses to improve their vision. 人们戴眼镜以改善视力。
- My father's health was undermined by drink. 我爸爸的健康逐渐为酒所损害。
- My brother is always at my father's beck and call. 我兄弟总是对我父亲唯命是从。
- My father is a dab hand at baking bread. 做面包是我父亲的拿手好戏。
- My father flew out to see me in hospital. 父亲乘飞机来医院看我。
- Our English teacher always wears glasses. 我们的英语老师总是戴着眼镜。
- My father grows roses that are second to none. 我父亲种的玫瑰是最好的。
- Anyone can tell she's blind as a bat, but she won't wear glasses. 任何人都知道她视力不好,但是她却不愿戴眼镜。
- My father has been at rest since I was a girl. 在我还是小女孩时,我父亲就已去世了。
- She wears glasses because she has bad sight. 她戴眼镜,因为她视力不好。
- My father will give me a thick ear if I tell a lie. 要是我撒谎的话,我父亲会狠揍我的。
- He is not very tall and wears glasses. 他个子不是很高,戴着一副眼镜。