- My destiny rests with you. 我的命运掌握在你手里。
- It rests with you to make the next move. 下一步怎么办就取决于你了。
- It rests with you to settle your differences as best as you can. 你负责尽最大努力来解决你们之间的分歧。
- It rests with you to decide whether to go or not. 去不去,在于你。
- It rests with you to propose terms. 条件由你来提出。
- The final decision rests with you. 最后怎么决定在于你。
- You must know how I am situated since the verdict rests with you. 您应当知道我的情形,你有裁判的权力。
- Distant sigh from a lonely heart, "I'll be with you soon, my Shalafi." Grey Havens, my destiny. 孤独的心儿飘出一声微叹:"我即将来陪伴你,我的夏拉非灰港就是我最终的命运"
- Now my destiny is bound up with his. 如今我的命运跟他的命运可息息相关了。
- I wish that you could be my destiny. 我希望你是我的归宿。
- Are you my destiny, words I never dared to say? 我始终不敢开口:是否冥冥注定了一切?
- The choice rests entirely with you. 这完全由你来选择。
- You are my destiny . You share my reverie . 妳是我的真命天女,妳分享我的梦想。
- We have been discussing thin problem these days and we differ from each other about it . It rests with you to decide . 这些天我们一直在讨论这个问题,而且大家的意见又不一致,你须作决定。
- Your destiny rests in your own bosom. 你的命运在你的内心中。
- The final decision rests with him. 最后决定取决于他。
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。
- I would like to have a word with you. 我想同你说句话。
- It made me wonder whether my destiny had caught up with me. 这使我感到迷惑,是不是命运在跟我作对。