- My collections grew. 我的收藏品越来越多。
- My collections are mostly klunky items from water! 我的“收藏刀剑”许多是“破铜烂铁”的“水坑器”!
- This stamp is the pick of my collection. 这一张是我收集的邮票中最珍贵的。
- A 1816 penny was the missing link in my collection of pennies. 我收集到的全部便士只差1816年铸造的1枚。
- This fine stamp is the pride of my collection. 这幅优美的邮票是我的收藏品中最好的一幅。
- I put my collection of old glasses in the cabinet. 我把收集的古玻璃器皿放在橱里。
- This fine picture is the pride of my collection. 这幅优美的绘画是我的收藏品中最好的一幅。
- My collection will be complete with this doll. 有了这个洋娃娃,我的收藏就全了。
- I hope to be putting many of my collections on eBay in the near future, so watchout! 粗体字价格表示至少已经有一位买家出价。
- I need one more stamp before my collection is. 我还需要一张邮票,我的集邮就完备了。
- I need one more stamp to complete my collection. 我所收集的邮票还差一张才凑成整套。
- This painting is the jewel of my collection. 这是我藏画中最珍贵的一幅。
- I keep my collection of old china in the cabinet. 我把古瓷器收藏品存放在橱子里。
- These aren't ragged!BE the curio of my collections!Certainly, if you don't like, you can throw away. 这些不是破烂!是我收集的古董!当然,如果你不喜欢的话,你可以扔掉.
- Watson, and inspect my collection of Lepidoptera? 关于我说过的话,一个字也不要提。
- His book is the latest addition to my collection. 我最近收藏了他的书。
- I gave away my collection of stamps to the little boy. 我把我收集的邮票赠给了那个小男孩。
- That piece of scrip, my collect carefully for ages, with respect to the wind in me. 那张纸条,我珍藏了好久,就在我的胸口。”
- I passed the evening away looking at my collection of stamps. 整个晚上我都在翻看自己的集邮册子。
- I'm always on the lookout for something to add to my collection. 我一向留意可以列入收藏的东西。