- My car is here. 我的小汽车在这里。
- My car is rather heavy on petrol. 我的汽车很费油。
- My car is sticking fast in the mud. 我的汽车陷在泥里不能动了。
- My car is none the worse for the accident. 我的汽车遇到事故,但毫无损坏。
- The damage to my car is negligible. 我的汽车的损坏是极轻微的。
- My car is none the worse for wear. 我的汽车一点也没损坏。
- The number plate on my car is HYN 765 N. 我的车牌号是HYn765n。
- My car is hard to start in cold weather. 我的车天冷时很难发动。
- My car is in the parking lot, this way please. 我车在停车场,这边请。
- My car is just around the corner. 我的车就在转角附近。
- My car is laid up at the moment. 我的车现在闲着没用。
- My car is old but in good condition. 我的车很旧,但车况良好。
- I'm flying to America but my car is being shipped. 我将乘飞机前往美国,但是我的汽车将用船运去。
- My car is in urgent need of repair. 我的车急需修理。
- My car is for sale if you want to Buy it. "若你要买,我的车可以卖给你。"
- The damage to my car is hardly noticeable. 我的车划伤的地方几乎看不出来。
- Hello. My car is stolen last night. 喂!我的车子昨天晚上被偷走了。
- Be careful driving, my car is not insured. 小心驾驶,我的车没有保险。
- My car is in good/poor condition. 我的汽车情况好/差。
- My car is nuisance in the winter; the engine only runs in fits and starts until it has really warmed up. 我的汽车在冬天真讨厌,引警在真正预热起来前只能转转停停。