- mutual assured survival strategy 相互确保生存战略
- Mutually Assured Survival 生存相依论
- mutual assured survivalph. 互相保证的生存
- For the moment, the balance is maintained by what Nick Carn of Odey, a hedge-fund group, calls “mutually assured destruction”. 目前,平衡由NickCarnofOdey,一家对冲基金机构所称的“互相毁灭”保持着。
- Both sides are demanding mutually assured reductions of emissions that are, in the current jargon, “measurable, verifiable and reportable. 双方都要求互相确保排放量,用时下的行话说,就是“可测量,可证实和可报告”。
- These mutual assurances hardened us in the thing. 这种互相的保证使我们死心塌地地干去。
- The determent policy has been dubbed MAD,an appropriate acronym which stands for mutual assured destruction. 核禁政策称为MAD,很贴切,是表示保证互相毁灭的缩合字。
- The determent policy has been dubbed MAD , an appropriate acronym which stands for mutual assured destruction. 核禁政策称为mad,很贴切,是表示保证互相毁灭的缩合字。
- The determent policy has been dubbed MAD, an appropriate acronym which stands for mutual assured destruction. 核禁政策称为MAD,很贴切,是表示保证互相毁灭的缩合字。
- It provides scant counsel on same-sex marriage or eating meat.It is silent on the desirability of mutual assured destruction as a strategy for deterring nuclear war. 它在解释同性婚姻或肉食人群方面显得乏善可陈,在使用“确保相互摧毁”作为一种遏制核战争的战略出台时沉默不语。
- mutual assured destruction strategy 相互确保摧毁战略
- I encourage them to talk all mutually. 我鼓励他们都互相交谈。
- Survival is our first imperative. 我们当务之急是设法生存下来。
- Please rest assured that repayment is ensured. 请您放心,还款是有保障的。
- That fashion is a survival from the 1930s. 那种时装是三十年代的遗风。
- I'll do fine, Mother, you can rest assured. 妈,你放心,我会干得不错的[过得很好的]。
- The old man is a survival of the past age. 这老人乃上一个时代的遗老。
- She positively assured me that it was true. 她向我明确地保证那是事实。
- Today the survival of our species is threatened. 今天人类的生存受到了威胁。
- Does our only hope of survival lie in disarmament? 我们求生的唯一希望就在於裁军吗?