- Mutable weather patterns. 多变的天气形式
- a mutable substance; the mutable ways of fortune; mutable weather patterns; a mutable foreign policy. 易变的物质;易变的财路;易变的天气样式;易变的外交政策。
- a mutable substance; the mutable ways of fortune; mutable weather patterns; a mutable foreign policy 易变的物质;易变的财路;易变的天气样式;易变的外交政策
- Your vacation is subject to the changing weather patterns. 你的假期可视天气变化而决定
- The dew point varies with climate and the daily weather patterns. 露点随气候和每日天气情况而改变。
- Weather patterns should also become more erratic and stoiins more severe. 气候形式会变得更加反复无常,暴风雨也会更加猛烈。
- We hit another weather pattern when we got out of the tunnel. 我们出隧道时天气已变了。
- The unpredictable Caribbean-Atlantic weather pattern also plays its role. 不可预知的加勒比海-大西洋天气模式也扮演它的角色。
- The microbe came with this weather pattern that I had never seen before. 这种微生物出现时的天气是我从未见到过的,
- From the examples above, the LIDAR is revealing weather patterns we have never seen before. 从以上几个例子看到,激光雷达揭示了前所未见的天气情况。
- Global warming erodes coastlines, spreads pests and water-borne diseases and produces more erratic weather patterns. 全球变暖侵蚀海岸线,使虫灾泛滥、水性传染病扩散,气候变化更加无常。
- Or the route can be indirect, harnessing hydropower and wind power, both of which rely on sun-driven weather patterns. 或者也可以采用间接的途径,利用水力发电与风力发电,而这两者也都仰赖太阳带动的天气模式。
- El Nino -- which means ' little boy' in Spanish -- wreaks havoc in weather patterns across the Asia-Pacific regions. 在西班牙语中意为“圣婴”的“厄尔尼诺”现象则对亚太地区的气候造成了严重影响。
- In addition, unpredictable weather patterns are causing more weather-related hunger," the WFP said. 再加上不多变的天气模式也带来了更多的饥荒,”世界粮食计划署说。
- A 20-year study of Scottish sheep found weather patterns were driving changes in body shape and population size. 一份针对苏格兰羊只的20年研究发现;气候型态驱使体型与族群大小改变.
- We need urgent measures to help deal with the increasingly variable weather patterns. 我们需要紧急多变测量,以协助处理越来越多的易变天气模式。
- Cars in Boston and Beijing are melting ice caps in the Arctic that disrupt weather patterns everywhere. 在波士顿与北京的汽车正融化着北极圈的冰帽,以此打破了各地的气候常态。
- The health of millions of people was under threat as a consequence of rising temperatures and uncertain weather patterns. 由于气温持续上升和不确定的气候模式,数百万人的健康正面临威胁。
- The lower half of the continent experienced weather patterns not unlike Europe today, with snowy winters and mild to warm summers. 亚特兰蒂斯南半部土地所经历的气候就象今天的欧洲,从多雪的冬季一直到煦暖温和的夏季。
- It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather. 在这麽恶劣的天气里出去太荒唐。