- Mussaenda elongatan. 长玉叶金花
- A New Variety of Mussaenda pubescens Ait. F. 玉叶金花一新变种。
- Bartrarnia halleriana var. elongata Turn. 梨蒴珠藓皱叶变种Bartramia pomiformis var.;elongata Turn
- Law of water change of top buds of Paulownia elongata seedlings. 兰考泡桐苗木顶芽水分变化规律研究。
- Mussaenda hybrida cv.Alicia is an ornamental with high view value. 粉萼花是一种具有较高观赏价值的植物。
- The enlarged and showy calyx lobes of the species of Mussaenda (Rubiaceae), have been known to attract pollinators. 摘要:茜草科的玉叶金花属植物,常利用膨大呈现鲜艳颜色的叶状萼片来吸引授粉者。
- Variations on the size and color of Mussaenda species in Taiwan were observed, but the significance was unknown. 台湾产的玉叶金花植物,其叶状萼片有时会有大小,以及颜色上的变异,因而在分类常造成困扰。
- The objective of this study was to evaluate the impacts of fungi on components and structure of Paulownia elongata wood and to control wood stain more effectively. 为弄清真菌对变色泡桐木材成分与结构的影响;更加有效防治泡桐木材变色;该文对真菌引起的变色泡桐木材成分含量及其结构进行了研究.
- Based on the samples of Ilisha elongata (Bennett ) taken from the East China Seaduring the period from 1985 to 1987, the comparison of charactersbetween male and female was made . 本文对在1985-1987年间舟山近岸采集的鳓鱼雌雄个体性状作了比较分析。
- Description: Caterpillars feed on Adina pilulifera and Mussaenda pubescens. Wingspan ranges from 55 to 65mm. Sexual dimorphism. On flight throughout the whole year. 形容:幼虫食用水团花和玉叶金花;展翅约55至65毫米;雌雄二型;全年可见
- Mussaenda pubescens Ait.f. 玉叶金花,白常山
- Trivirostra elongata sp. nov.n. 长喙猎女神螺;新种
- The potted experiment was conducted to study the effect of soil drought on drought-resistant characteristics of Agropyron desertorum, Agropyron smithii, Elytrigia elongata, Elytrigia intermedia. 摘要采用盆栽断水干旱方式研究了土壤干旱对中间偃麦草、沙生冰草、蓝茎冰草和长穗偃麦草苗期抗旱性特征的影响。
- The Asia leafbeetle, Diorhabda elongata deserticola, and a weevil species , Coniatus steveni, were scored 43 and 41 respectively, which were the highest among the 12 evaluated natural enemies sp... 柽柳条叶甲得分最高(43分),其次是斯氏伞锥象(41分),推荐这2种天敌昆虫作为首选天敌引入美国做进一步评价。
- At present the company's products have the following three categories: court Mussaenda (fine) Kudingcha, imperial jade leaf (Jiapin) Kudingcha and the court Need Kudingcha Mussaenda. 目前本公司产品有以下三种:宫廷玉叶(精品)苦丁茶,宫廷玉叶(佳品)苦丁茶和宫廷玉叶极品苦丁茶。
- The Study on Natural Regeneration of Ulmus elongata 长序榆天然更新调查研究
- Mussaenda emeiensis Z. Y. Zhu et S. J. Zhu 峨眉玉叶金花
- Study on the Growth Feature of Llisha Elongata 鳓生长特性的研究
- Mussaenda lancipetala X. F. Deng & D. X. Zhang 狭瓣玉叶金花
- Nitzschia punctata var. elongatan. 具点菱形藻长型变种