- Muslim extremist group 穆斯林极端组织
- Investigators suspect the al-Qaida-linked Muslim extremist Abu Sayyaf group may have been involved. 菲律宾调查人员怀疑,恐怖组织伊斯兰团和阿布沙耶夫反政府武装是肇事者。
- That extremist group surely has a part in this plot. 这场阴谋一定有那个极端主义团伙参与。
- All staffs are vetted for links with extremist group before being employed. 所有职员录用前均须审查是否与极端分子团体有关。
- All staff are vetted for links with extremist groups before being employed. 所有职员录用前均须审查是否与极端分子团体有关。
- An extremist group with ties to al-Qaida is warning Pope Benedict that he and the West are doomed. 据传与本拉登有关极端恐怖团伙,警告罗马主教说他和西方国家都要灭亡。
- One of the detainees was the alleged head of a bombing cell of the Sunni extremist group. 其中一名嫌犯,宣称是什叶派极端分子团体轰炸组织的首脑。
- A right-wing extremist group had established a compound in the mountains of north Arkansas. 有一个右翼极端组织在阿肯色州北部山区建立了一个基地。
- Fears of an outbreak of Muslim extremism in Bosnia are probably exaggerated. 波斯尼亚对爆发穆斯林极端主义的恐惧可能夸大其辞。
- Federal agents arrested two men McVeigh and Nichols,who belonged to an extremist group advocating resistance to national laws and political institutions. 联邦特工逮捕了两名涉案犯麦克维和尼柯尔斯。他们都属于一个鼓吹抵抗国家法律和政治机构的极端主义者组织。
- "We are talking of an extremist group, a very hateful agenda, a very extremist agenda, opposed to peace, opposed to reconciliation," said Regev. 雷格夫说:“我们说的是一个极端组织,它们要达到的目的极其可恶,也是非常极端主义的,它们反对和平,反对妥协。
- Federal agents arrested two men McVeigh and Nichols, who belonged to an extremist group advocating resistance to national laws and political institutions. 联邦特工逮捕了两名涉案犯麦克维和尼柯尔斯。他们都属于一个鼓吹抵抗国家法律和政治机构的极端主义者组织。
- Sadly, the same cannot be said for Jemaah Islamiah (JI), an extremist group blamed for suicide bombings at two fancy business hotels in Jakarta on July 17th. 可惜,回教祈祷团(JI)并非如此,人们怀疑该极端组织策划了7月17日对雅加达两家豪华商务酒店的炸弹袭击。
- Copts have been not only discriminated and limited in religious areas, they were even attacked by the Muslim extremists. 科普特人不仅在宗教等领域受到限制和歧视,还频频受到穆斯林极端分子的攻击。
- S. ally in the war on extremist groups, has often been accused by Mr. 我所了解的伊斯兰教是宽容的、和平的,它尊重人类生命和尊严。
- Authorities were acting on the assumption the bombing was carried out by Muslim extremists, said a senior counterterrorism official. 据一位高级反恐官员表示,有关部门目前猜测是穆斯林极端分子制造了这两起爆炸事件。
- But discussing al-Qaeda at a meeting with newspaper editors in Lahore, Mrs Clinton said the extremist group had had a safe haven in Pakistan since 2002. 但希拉里在拉合尔会晤一些报纸主编期间谈到基地组织时表示,自2002年起,极端组织就在巴基斯坦拥有了避难所。
- Local officials hoped that the freed people would not take part in extremist groups in the future. 当地官员表示,希望获释的人今后不要再参加激进组织的活动。
- Fighting oppression is legitimate but Muslim extremists who perpetuate acts of terrorism,killing innocent civilians including non-Muslims,violate the teachings of Islam and all that it stands for. 对抗压迫是合理的行为,但是,进行恐怖行动、残杀包括非回教徒无辜平民的回教极端分子,完全违反了回教的教义和回教所代表的一切。
- Palestinian extremist group, the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, claimed responsibility for the explosion, saying it was a retaliation for the Israeli bombing of a Gaza residence building on July 23rd. 巴勒斯坦激进组织伊斯兰抵抗运动哈马斯宣布对此次爆炸事件负责,并称这是对以色列23日轰炸加沙居民楼进行的报复。