British classical scholar (born in Australia) who advocated the League of Nations and the United Nations (1866-1957)
Scottish philologist and the lexicographer who shaped the Oxford English Dictionary (1837-1915)
a southeast Australian river; flows westward and then south into the Indian Ocean at Adelaide
They explored the land to the south of the Murray River. 他们勘查了墨累河以南的地区。
The Murray River nurtures the region's grapevines that produce warm fruit driven styles of wine that have underpinned much of Australia's export success in recent decades. 墨累河的潺潺流水灌溉了这片肥沃的土地,这里出产的葡萄具有温和浓郁的果香,酿造的葡萄酒更是支撑了近几十年来澳州的酒类出口产业。