- Murong Xueeun 慕容雪村
- Murong unrivaled I told you to ask your boss! 我叫慕容无双,你去问问你们老板!
- Temperament looks a bit like a Murong son. 看起来有点气质,像慕容公子了。
- I was a hyphenated name, Murong surname, is a unique name. 我是复姓,慕容是姓,无双是名字。
- Chimera, this is Murong reporters, as well as nationally renowned for its great talent, you stay with him. 望月,这位是慕容记者,也是全国闻名的大才子,你陪一下他。
- Simultaneously had also laid the foundation for the Murong Hsien-Pi feudalism regimes. 同时也为慕容鲜卑封建政权的建立奠定了基础。
- "Why do you rack your brains in trying to turn black into white? Don't be too CNN," Murong croons. “为什么你要折磨自己去颠倒黑白呢?别太CNN了”慕容萱唱到。
- Hee Murong fatuity oppressive, heavy taxes, the people's pain, resentment everywhere. 慕容熙昏庸暴虐,赋税很重,人民痛苦不堪,怨恨四起。
- Hou-Yan Bao Murong zhongwei then General Murong hee ascended the throne after thezhong lang jiang Wei Ren Fengba . 后燕慕容宝时任中卫将军,慕容熙即位后,冯跋任卫中郎将。
- Properly, then they will discuss good discussions, which you brought me here to Murong heroes, I will discuss with him a good discussion. 好好好,那就好好商量商量,你带那个慕容大侠来我这里吧,我和他好好商量商量。
- I never heard Zhaojuzhang not go next, a Zhaojuzhang grabbed the telephone and said: surnamed Wen. I hear you, I ask Murong unrivaled. 我在赵局长旁边再也听不下去了,一把抢过了赵局长的电话,说:姓温的,你给我听好了,我叫慕容无双。
- Ve made a mistake. I'm not Mr. Murong, but the first daughter of the famous Murong Clan. My name is Yin. Who are you anyway? 慕容兄?你认错人了,我不是什么慕容兄,我是堂堂大燕国的公主,慕容家的小姐,我的名字叫慕容嫣,你究竟是什么人?
- Take the Murong Hsien-Pias representative of Hsien-Pi Nationality, is typical representative who this time nationality fuses. 以慕容鲜卑为代表的鲜卑族,是这一时期民族融合的典型代表。
- Deputy director of stand up that network by the famous writer below, Mermaid original founders of the Chinese net. Mermaid editor Murong unrivaled as you make a report. 赵副局长站起来宣布,下面由著名网络作家,美人鱼原创中文网创始人,美人鱼总编辑慕容无双先生为大家做报告。
- Quietly the group went away, leaving Murong to sit on the grave, facing south as befitting an emperor. And as they looked back, he was still mumbling on . . . Unremittingly. 众人都悄悄退了开去。但见慕容复在土坟上南面而坐,口中兀自喃喃不休。
- On the base of sporadic record, the time of Murong Xianbei race contacted with Buddhism is after Murong Wei entered Jicheng possibly, round about the period between Murong Wei’senectitude and Murong Huang’early succession days. 根据零星的文献记载推断,慕容鲜卑接触佛教,可能是在慕容廆进入棘城之后,约慕容廆晚年和慕容皝即位之初的一段时间里。
- On-line once some people like this appraised Shi Yuzhu and the horse cloud: Shi Yuzhu likely is Murong duplicate, but Ma Yun likely is the Qiao peak, is the genuine chivalrous person. 网上曾有人这样评价史玉柱与马云:史玉柱就像是慕容复,而马云则像是乔峰,是真正的大侠。
- Don't Be Too CNN, a track that lampoons the network for its coverage and analysis of the Tibetan riots, is written and performed by an online singer who calls herself "Murong Xuan". “做人别太CNN”,是源于CNN对西藏暴动的歪曲报道而对其的讽刺,是一位自称“慕容萱”网络歌手谱写并表演的。
- In the furore, we shall discuss such famous writers as Qiong Yao, Xi Murong, etc, and such famous aetresses as Lin Fengjiao, Lin Qingxia etc.We have lots of vedio-taped films to watch. 后面,我们将讨论琼瑶、席慕蓉等有名作家和名演员林凤娇、林青霞等,还有很多录像带供观看;
- The Buddhism Culture of Murong Xianbei Race 慕容鲜卑的佛教文化