- Murakami Kakuichi 村上格一(1862-1927),日本人,海军大将。
- In 1927 he died on the gallows of the warlords. 1927年他牺牲在军阀的绞刑架上。
- John Smale was born in Ontario, Canada, in 1927. 约翰·斯梅尔1927年出生于加拿大的安大略。
- In 1862, the Homestead Act was passed. 1862年,《宅地法》通过。
- Congress passed the law in 1862. 国会在1862年通过了这条法案。
- The Rad Army came into being on August 1,1927. 红军是1927年8月1日建立的。
- The new Takashi Murakami book is amazing! 村上隆的新书相当精彩!
- In 1927 he and his wife were handsome people. 在1927年,他和妻子都出落得一表人材。
- Is this not exactly what happened after 1927? 不见一九二七年之后,就已经有过这种情形吗?
- Mr.Markowitz was born in Chicago in 1927. 马科维茨先生1927年在芝加哥出生。
- In 1927 he went into exile in Japan. 1927年他逃亡日本。
- The first Geminids meteors suddenly appeared in 1862. 1862年,第一次双子座流星雨突然出现。
- Would you have applied for a homestead and moved west back in 1862? 若你活在1962年,你会不会申请成为开垦者,并且到西部寻找自己的未来呢?
- A self-confessed oddball, Mr Murakami is a peculiar memoirist. 并不否认自己是一个怪人,村上春树先生是一位特别的传记作家。
- In 1927 the Chinese revolution entered a new period in its history. 1927年中国革命进入了它历史上的一个新时期。
- The Paris of 1862 is a city which has France for its outskirts. 一八六二年的巴黎已是一个以全法国作为近郊的城市了。
- I think that Murakami literature cannot avoid the issue of China. 若是撇除中国的话,我想是无法谈村上文学的。
- I'd read Murakami novels before his autobigraphical piece. 我在读村上的自传以前读过他的小说。
- In 1862 the American slaves won their struggle for freedom. 1862年美国黑奴赢得了为自由而进行的斗争的胜利。
- Most of all, Murakami writes about love, passion and loneliness. 村上春树写的最多的,是关于爱、激情和孤独。