- Multipurpose Research System 多用途研究系统
- The agricultural research system needs to be streamlined and depoliticized. 农业研究体系必须是高效率的和非政治化的。
- It is a feasible approach to research system of equipment support with HLA. 用HLA技术对装备保障系统进行仿真研究是一种可行的方法。
- We must improve our clearly inadequate investment research system; it can't even expose a "trillion dollar fib! 证词摘要,他说的是“我们必须改进我们明显不适当的投资研究系统,它甚至不能地让一个‘万亿美元的幼稚谎言’曝光”。
- With more attention paid to the study of the inshore shelf oceanography, China has established a multidisciplinary oceanographic research system with regional characteristics. 中国海洋科学研究以近海陆架区海洋学为主,已经形成了具有区域特征的多学科的海洋科学体系。
- The authors propose a new research system to draw its outline and construct its framework. 作者提出了一种新的研究体系,来勾画它的轮廓,构建它的框架。
- A space science research system of a fairly high level has been set up and many innovative achievements have been made. 建立了具有一定水平的空间科学研究系统,取得了多项创新成果。
- Studies on migration play a vitally important role in western geographical research system. 摘要人口迁移研究在西方人文地理学研究体系中一直占据重要地位。
- The technical innovation of HELI cannot be separated from a perfect test research system. 合力的技术创新离不开完善的试验研究体系。
- Despite the mixed reaction, the open letter has reignited a debate about whether China's research system is in need of an overhaul. 尽管导致不同的反应,公开信再次点燃了中国的研究体制是否需要一次全面检查的辩论。
- The inherent difficulties of experimenting on very large longlived organisms motivates the development of a model research system for forest trees. 林木植物特有的多年生习性使其生物学研究相对困难, 因此需要寻找一种适用于遗传学及分子生物学方法做精细分析的模式植物。
- With more attention paid to the study of the inshore shelf oceanography,China has established a multidisciplinary oceanographic research system with regional characteristics. 中国海洋科学研究以近海陆架区海洋学为主,已经形成了具有区域特征的多学科的海洋科学体系。
- The article gives you an introduction to the composition,design idea and realization of real time control of the artificial derma cultivation research system. 本文介绍了人工皮肤培养研究系统的组成、设计思想及其实时控制功能的实现。
- Technical skills: Australia has a world-class, skilled Viticulture and brewing experts, and has a modern industrial infrastructure and sophisticated research system. 高超技术 :澳大利亚拥有世界一流,技术精湛的葡萄栽培和酿造专家,并拥有现代化的工业基础设施和优良的研究体系。
- Wan has much to change, not least the fear of failure that is built into the education and research system and which inhibits scientists from going out on a limb. 对此,万钢首先提出了一项新的立法,承诺“只要这些从事高失败风险研究的科学家和工程人员能够证明己经尽力进行研究,就算到最后未能成功,也会得到研究拨款。”
- A multipurpose room; multipurpose software. 多用途的房间; 多功能软件
- China will improve its agricultural scientific research structure and set up a new scientific research system featuring advanced disciplines and the close integration of scientific research with production. 优化农业科研结构,建立起学科先进、科研与生产紧密结合的科研新体制。
- System theory that researches system approach is lodged as the contradictory of deoxidize approach. 研究系统方法的系统论是作为“还原论”的对立物被提出来的。
- To be chosen for the project, countries must be able to surpport support agricultural research systems. 要被选入这个项目中,要求是能支持建立农业研究体制的国家。
- The development of researching system in Finland, and its current situation(structure). 芬兰科研系统发展过程以及科研系统现状。