- Mudstone source rock 泥岩烃源岩
- Jurassic mudstone source rock 侏罗系泥质烃源岩
- The dark mudstone deposited in this time is the favorable source rock. 同时,该层序内沉积的暗色泥岩也是有利的烃源岩。
- Source rock include coal measures, calcareous mudstone and dark mudstone,in which Taiyuan and Shanxi coalbeds and dark mudstone are most developed. 烃源岩主要为煤、碳质泥岩及暗色泥岩,其中以太原组和山西组的煤层和暗色泥岩最发育。
- The dark mudstone of Neogene System in Sikeshu Sag of Junggar Basin is a potential source rock with vitrinite reflectance (R(subscript . 摘要准噶尔盆地四棵树凹陷新近系暗色泥岩镜质体反射率R(下标。
- The first spreading cycle resulted in the formation of Wenchang mudstone, Eocene,which is the important and main source rock of the basin. 第一扩张旋回中形成的始新统文昌组泥岩是珠江口盆地的主要烃源岩。
- In the case of mudstone to be a source rock, the uncompacted mudstone would have a strong capability of hydrocarbon concentation sealing to seal gas in diffusive phase. 本文在研究盖层封闭油气机理的基础上,分析了欠压实泥岩在封益油气中的作用。
- Fuxin basin has abundance natural gas and good gas source rock. 阜新盆地有较好的气源岩,天然气资源丰富。
- The deep lake facies dark mudstone, shale and oil shale are better source rock, and the overlying Mid Upper Triassic Xiaoquangou group is the favourable reservoir.All these suppo... 其中深湖相暗色泥、页岩和油页岩构成了良好的烃源岩,其上覆的中-上三叠统小泉沟群为有利的储集层,表明吐哈盆地南部坳陷的侏罗系以下具有良好的油气勘探前景。
- Lacustrine source rocks provided resource for the oil and gas generation, and flood plain facies and paludal facies mudstone supplied cap rock for the reservoir accumulation. 泛滥平原相、沼泽相泥岩为油气成藏提供了良好的盖层条件;
- Lakeshore and swampy carbonaceous mudstone and coal measures are major hydrocarbon source rocks of the Kuqa depression. 其滨湖、沼泽相炭质泥岩及煤系建造是库车坳陷重要的烃源岩。
- Oil source correlation indicates that mudstone in coal measures is a main source rock, while coals and carbonaceous mudstone are subordinate source rocks. 油源对比表明煤系泥岩是主要烃源岩,煤和碳质泥岩是次要烃源岩;
- Early Cretaceous source rocks in Jixi Basin include lacustrine mudstone,carbonaceous mudstone and coal. 鸡西盆地早白垩世烃源岩的岩石类型是湖相泥岩、碳质泥岩和煤。
- The source rocks of dark mudstone, coal and carboniferous mud stone are thicker in the east and thinner in the west in their thickness. 岩性主要为暗色泥岩、煤和碳质泥岩。最有利的烃源岩为二叠系的太原组和山西组。有机质丰度高、类型好。
- There are some kinds of gas source rocks, i.e. biologic limestone, black mudstone and coal in Taiyuan group of lower Permian in east part of Ordos basin. 鄂尔多斯盆地东部地区太原组广泛发育的气源岩为生物灰岩、暗色泥岩和煤。
- Major hydrocarbon source rocks are in the Cambrian and Ordovician. 寒武-奥陶系烃源岩是该区主力烃源岩;
- However, the hydrocarbon accumulation or reservoir formation requires some thickness of source rock. 但油气的聚集和油气藏的形成,对源岩厚度有一定要求。
- Dongpu sag is of the superior geological conditions for forming deep gas pools, including two sets f premium source rocks, variety of sand bodies, sell developed porosity and thick halite and mudstone as cap rocks. 摘要东濮凹陷具有形成深层气的优越基础地质条件:两套优质烃源岩、多种类型的储集砂体和高异常孔隙发育、厚的岩盐和泥岩作为良好盖层。
- The marine hydrocarbon source rock is generally carbonate rock of isolated platforms and interplatform troughs in the Baise basin. 摘要百色盆地海相烃源岩主要为孤立台地和台间海槽碳酸盐岩。
- Logging identification and evaluation of Cambrian-ordovician source rock in Tarim Basin ACQ P1. 塔里木盆地寒武-奥陶系源岩的测井识别及评价二、各向异性1、基于:频率的各向异性和裂缝。