- The she-hare's eyes are muddled and fuddled. 雌兔眼迷离;
- Christmas drink muddled and steamed!! 圣诞节饮品,捣糊的,有茎的!
- Muddled and unclear 含糊不明
- The ending of the movie is somewhat abrupt, and unclear. 这部电影的结尾有些突兀和含混不清。
- Seen from Juba, muddle and frustration prevail. 纵观朱巴时局,可以看到那里处处都是混乱与挫败。
- But the outbreak of anger about bankers' bonuses is muddled and comes too late. 但是关于银行家红利的愤怒爆发的太混乱,太晚了。
- Every thing was in a muddle and I could't find what I wanted. 所有东西都乱作一团,我找不着我想要的东西。
- Everything was in a muddle and I couldn't find what I wanted . 所有的事情都是一团糟,我都不知道我究竟想要什么了。
- He's all in a muddle and doesn't even remember what he's just said. 这人云山雾罩的,刚说过的事就忘了。
- High signal with inhomogeneous and unclear border on T 2WI was found in 12 cases, with clear border in 4 cases. T2加权呈高信号,不均且边缘模糊12例,边缘清楚4例。
- Even then, they may still be muddled and not realize that the calamity came from their own tongue-wagging! 甚至有的还懵懵懂懂地,不知祸事正是起源于自己的多嘴饶舌呢!
- Nowadays, the problems about concept, imperfect rules, disuse assets, decentralizing purchase and unclear property righits exist in the management of national assets. 摘要目前,我国高校国有资产管理中存在着观念淡薄、制度不够完善、资产闲置严重、采购过于分散、产权不够明晰等问题。
- Many of us are quite confused and unclear in the issues of generating the mind for Bodhi, practice and doing good things. 我们有很多人就在发菩提心,与修行和行善这个问题上,比较混淆,而且模糊。
- Still, in their muddled and heavy-handed way, governments are groping towards the idea of making the polluter pay by internalising the cost of responsible waste disposal. 尽管各国政府对废弃物处理管理混乱而且方法严厉,但扔在努力摸索,使污染者主动承担垃圾处理费用。
- Duty issue re sulted from consignor default and unclear property under modern contractual theo ry is an inner reason of accounting trust default. 现代契约理论下的委托人缺失及产权不明引发的责任问题是会计诚信缺失的内在机理。
- For example, lack of performance feedback, the distempered system of performance appraisal, and unclear performance standard. 例如:绩效管理环节缺乏、绩效评价体系不健全、绩效标准不明确等;
- The social and economic costs of these proposed norms were perceived to be problematic by the Delegation and their perceived benefits were still largely prospective and unclear. 该代表团认为,这些标准所带来的社会和经济成本很成问题,而新标准的益处仍然遥遥无期,也无法确定。
- If you have any futher questions and unclear problems, please prepare for the office line and precontract the time ahead so as to communicate with you in Russian directly. 如果再有疑问或不清楚的问题请您提前定好办公室电话用俄语直接联系(对话)。提前预约时间。
- But when Volkonsky, frowning, said that it was in the Tsar's name that he asked his opinion, Pfuhl rose, and growing suddenly excited, began to speak:“You have muddled and spoilt it all. 但是当紧皱眉头的沃尔孔斯基说,他是代表皇帝问他的意见时,普弗尔站起来,忽然兴致勃勃地开始说:“一切都破坏了,一切都杂乱无章,所有人都想在认识上比我高强,而现在找我来了。
- She was muddled and mischievous as a chimney-jackdaw, she made her nest of rags and jewels, was happy in the sunlight, squawked loudly at danger, pried and was insatiably curious, forgot when to eat or ate all day, and sang when sunsets were red. 她遵照轻松的自然法则生活,热爱世界、得过且过,对自然奇观有敏锐、神奇的鉴赏力,但在生活中却不能拾掇出整洁的家园。