- Mud adheres jto your shoes. 泥巴粘在了你的鞋子上。
- Mud adheres to your shoes. 泥巴粘在了你的鞋子上。
- Mud adheres stubbornly to my shoes. 污泥牢牢地粘在我的鞋子上。
- Scrape the mud off your shoes with this knife. 用这把小刀把你鞋上的土刮去。
- Remove the mud from your shoes before you come in. 进来以前把你鞋上的泥弄掉。
- I wouldn't be in your shoes for a thousand pounds. 给我1,000英镑我也不愿做你的替身。
- If you don't lace up your shoes, you'll trip over. 如果你不系好鞋带,你会被绊倒的。
- Get your shoes heeled and soled here. 把你鞋子在这里换底加跟。
- I'd stay over there, if I were in your shoes. 我要是处在我的地位,我就呆在那里了。
- Keep still while I fasten your shoe. 别动,我给你系鞋带。
- You can use the cloth to remove mud from your shoes. 你可用那块布除去鞋上的泥巴。
- You can use the cloth to remover mud from your shoes. 你可用那块布除去鞋上的泥巴。
- Your shoes will be in a fine state if you walk in the mud. 你要是在泥里走路, 你的鞋就会弄得很糟糕。
- It had rained all day and the mud adhered to our shoes. 整日下雨,我们的鞋上粘满了泥。
- Scrape your shoes on the door mat before you come in. 进屋前先在门口擦鞋垫上擦一擦鞋子。
- Clean your shoes on the mat, or you'll muck up the floor. 把鞋子在蹭鞋垫上擦干净,否则你会把地板弄脏的。
- I wish you will not drop your shoes so loudly. 我请你不要把鞋子丢得这么响。
- This footprint in the mud matches the design on the sole of your shoes. 泥里的脚印和你鞋底的式样相符。
- Slip your shoes off and hop up on the bed. 脱掉鞋子,到床上去。
- Your shoes will loosen up with wear. 你的鞋穿穿就会松的。