- Movement is slow and careful. 谨慎的移动。
- The pace of this process is slow and careful because this is an absolutely unique, practically irreplaceable set of samples. 此项过程的步伐是缓慢而小心的,因为这绝对是独一无二、事实上是无可替代的一批样本。
- My watch is slow and your watch is fast. 我的表慢,而你的表快。
- Her way of talking is slow and deliberate. 她说起话来缓慢而谨慎。
- the second movement is slow and melodic. 第二乐章缓慢而有旋律。
- The breathing is slow and shallow. 呼吸浅而慢。
- But table tennis is slow and boring on TV. 可是在电视上看乒乓球太慢,枯燥乏味。
- Without this software the work is slow and tedious. 如果没有这个软件是缓慢而繁琐的工作.
- Moonrise is slow and serried with subtleties. 月亮升得很慢,但每时每刻都有微妙的差异。
- Slow and careful cooking of meat makes it more digestible. 缓慢的、细心的烹调使肉易于消化。
- Speed does not always mean success. However the man who is slow and steady is likely to get farthest in life. 快速并不一定意味着成功,然而稳扎稳打的人却很可能前程远大。
- The equipment is slow and heavy by modern standards. 按现代标准,那台设备又慢又笨重。
- Thus, a seat belt law reduces the benefits to slow and careful driving. 这样,安全带法律为慢速和小心的驾驶减少了利益。
- The film’s pacing is slow and its mood is contemplative. 电影的节奏缓慢,而气氛令人沉思。
- There's no hurry, so do it slowly and carefully. 不必赶时间,要慢慢细心地做。
- Interns' job is to dig slowly and carefully. 实习生的工作是慢慢并细心地钻研。
- Oh, yes, I drive more slowly and careful than usual. 噢,是啊,我开车也比平时慢,也更小心。
- The movement is gaining more and more adherents. 这个运动得到了越来越多的追随者的支持。
- In other words, seat belts reduce the benefits to slow and careful driving. 换句话说,减少安全带的好处是让人们驾驶的更慢更谨慎。
- Drive slowly and carefully when the flashing amber signal is on. 黄色灯号闪动时,要慢速及小心驾驶。