- Most gases are without colour. 很多气体是无色的。
- Many gases are easily changed into liquids and vice versa. 许多气体容易变为液体,反过来也是这样。
- Nitrogen is a gas without colour or smell. 氮是一种无色无臭的气体。
- Her looks are without comparison. 她的美貌无与伦比。
- The molecules of a gas are moving about extremely fast in all directions. 气体的分子非常迅速地向四面八方运动着。
- Most of its townspeople are without power for three days a week. 大部分的城镇居民一周有三天没有电力供应。
- The most important thing is to be whatever you are without shame. 最重要的事是不论你是什麽不以当你自己为耻。
- Gases are much less viscous than liquids. 气体的粘滞性大大小于液体。
- Her: mouth pulled out of shape, skin white, hair without colour. 她看见一张很像她的陌生人的脸,嘴巴拉扯得变了形,肤色苍白,头发没有光泽。
- These gases are highly inflammable. 这些气体都高度易燃。
- The piece of jewellery was without price. 那件首饰是无价之宝。
- When gases are heated, they expand. 气体受热会膨胀。
- The rumor was without foundation. 那条谣言毫无根据。
- All liquids and gases are fluids. 所有液体与气体都是流体。
- Happy indeed we are without hate among the hateful. 在充满愤怒的人群中不怀丝毫的恨意,生活才能够快乐。
- The cylinder is getting too much gas and not enough air. 汽缸里汽油太多而空气不足。
- Wood,coal,oil and gas are different knids of fuel. 木材,煤,油和天然气是不同种类的燃料。
- We were without electricity for three hours but it's on again now. 我们的电停了三小时,现在又有了。
- Most people have been without coal for about a week. 大多数人已经有一个星期左右没有煤了。
- Coal, oil,wood and gas are fuels. 煤炭,石油,木柴和煤气都是燃料。