- Most Genuine Feeling 至情
- She had feeling, genuine feeling. 她有感情,有纯真的感情。
- Virtual network, constant genuine feeling!! 公会口号:虚拟的网络,不变的真情!!
- Thus, at Tianya, you would be able to see firsthand the most genuine feelings and attitude of the Chinese people!" 所以你可以在天涯看到中国人民最原始最直接的态度!"
- It is with genuine feeling that the author praises all that is progressive. 作者带着真实的感情赞扬一切进步的事物。
- It was with genuine feeling that the author praises all that is progressive. 作者是带着真实的感情称赞所有进步的事物的。
- Two terrific motion pictures respectively about Gaies and Lesbines, which demonstrate the most genuine love. 同性之爱不关乎生殖,是否可以是最纯正的爱情。
- It was the most genuine spirit of Zomax, with incomparable cohesiveness, which had been manifested in the storm. 真正的中马精神、中马无可比拟的向心力就在这场风雨中得以见证!
- His daily bouts with Misty had engendered a genuine feeling of friendship between the two boys. 韦小宝和小玄子两个月斗了下来,日日见面,交情越来越好。
- Practical experience indicates that the most genuine brand equity management and administration need system proving and effectual method. 实践经验表明,真正意义上的品牌资产经营需要系统论证和行之有效的方法。
- The love is silent to pay of practice, with genuine feeling consideration inhospitality of gentleness. 爱,是默默付出的实践,是以真情体贴冷漠的温柔。
- All girls games at home : on the one hand, have the most genuine, if you want to see MM pajamas at home, is certain to incite. funny pets today? 游戏介绍:所有女生在家里都有最真实的一面,想看MM在家穿着睡衣、敷脸、逗宠物的样子吗?
- Expand humane universal love, enjoy the one blue sky together, support a poverty to help to trap, the human life genuine feeling. 弘扬人道博爱,同享一片蓝天,扶贫帮困,人间真情。
- This collection explores the various predicaments of human existence and portrays the most genuine responses that arise from the spirit when people are faced with suffering. 这本诗集不仅探索了人类不同层面的困境,并刻划出人们在面对痛苦时,发自内心的最真实反应。
- If you don't pay a genuine feeling, you will not suffer pain and sufferings.But if really so, life would also meaningfully? 如果你不付出真情;你就不会遭受痛苦.;但如果真的这样;人生还会有意义 吗?
- I have been all cherishing this rare genuine feeling very much, but this feeling is very thick, making you feeling heavy and tired thickly. 我一直都很珍惜这份难得的真情,可是这份情却很浓,浓的让你感到重和累。
- The sentiment reason will let the sincerity be forever tangled up, the genuine feeling never changes. Because of the predestination, we just meet infinite space there. 情缘让真心永缠绵,真情永不变。因为缘,我们才相遇在那无限的空间。
- The three that look most genuinely post-sectarian may well be the strongest. 看起来最为真实后教派的三个之中的那个也许是最强大的。
- When tolerable security against our fellow humans is attained, then on a basis of power sufficient to afford supports and of material prosperity arises in most genuine form the security of a quiet private life withdrawn from the multitude. 、当我们找到适当的方式来提防同伴,并且拥有足够的权力来获得支持,在真正意义上拥有富裕的物质财富,那么我们就可以过上比群氓更有安全保障的平静的私人生活。
- Equally some art experts speculate that many genuine Canalettos have yet to be unearthed. 同样地,一些艺术专家推测卡纳莱托的许多真作还未被发现。