- Mossy foot disease 苔状足病
- BUTTLER F C. Root and foot diseases of wheat[J].Aust Sci Bull,1961 ,77:98. 贾廷祥;吴桂本;刘传德.;我国小麦根腐性病害研究现状及防治对策[J]
- Tsinghua Public Baths Foot Disease Room 清华园浴池脚病室
- Common foot diseases include high bow foot, flat foot, bunions, overpronated foot , fasten foot, calluses, corn, plantar fasciitis, and heel spur, etc. 常见足部疾病如高弓足、扁平足、拇趾外翻、外旋足、内旋足、鸡眼、足底筋膜炎、足跟骨刺等数十种。
- In recent years, biomechanics and sport medicine advance vigorously and make the people gradually pay much attention to the foot diseases. 中文摘要近年来,生物力学与运动医学蓬勃发展,使得足部疾病逐渐受重视。
- His disease was complicated by pneumonia. 他的病因肺炎并发症而变得更严重。
- He walked along as if favoring his sore foot. 他走路像是特别小心照顾他那只酸痛的脚似的。
- My foot caught in a creeper and I pitched forward. 藤蔓缠住我的脚,使我向前倒下。
- The numbness in your foot will soon pass off. 你脚上的麻木感一会儿就会消失。
- What can we do to prevent the disease spreading? 我们能做什么来防止这种疾病蔓延呢?
- He stepped on the mossy front steps and looked into the house. 他站在长满苔藓的前门的台阶上向里张望。
- John put up a real fight to overcome the disease. 约翰为征服疾病,进行了不屈的斗争。
- He goes to school not by bus, but on foot. 他去上学不是乘公共汽车,而是走路去的。
- The poor man has a serious disease of the liver. 这个可怜的人患有严重的肝病。
- He finds she lies under foot on the stairs. 他发现她躺在楼梯脚下。
- He was found in incurable disease. 他被查出得了不治之症。
- I tell him never to set foot in my house again. 我告诉他再也别踏进我家的门。
- He seemed to expect to be waited on hand and foot. 他像是想要人尽心尽力伺候他。
- Have the children been in contact with disease? 孩子们同这种疾病有过接触吗?
- At that moment they were fighting foot to foot. 那时候他们正在进行肉搏战。