- A baby isn't born with a moral sense. 孩子并不是生来就有是非感的。
- To offend the taste or moral sense of;repel. 排斥,嫌弃不和某种口味,或违反道德观念;拒斥
- To offend the taste or moral sense of; repel. 排斥,嫌弃不和某种口味,或违反道德观念;拒斥
- Having no moral or ethical standards; lacking a moral sense. 无道德的无道德或伦理标准的;缺乏道德感的
- Disgustv.To offend the taste or moral sense of; repel. 排斥,嫌弃不和某种口味,或违反道德观念;拒斥。
- The quality you most admire in a man? Intelligence, moral sense. 在男人身上你最倾慕的特质是什么?聪慧,道德感。
- By declaring him sane, the jury implied that he had a moral sense. 陪审团宣称他神志清醒, 是指他有辨明是非的能力。
- He is defective in moral sense. 他不能分辨善恶。
- Cavalier as he may have been about his wives, he had a deep moral sense. 虽然对自己的两位妻子表现得有些冷漠,但他有一强烈的道德感。
- This passage may be interpreted as a recognition of an innate moral sense in man. 这段话可以被解释为对人类固有的道德意识的认识。
- Republic trusts the states wholly to the intelligence and moral sense of the people. 一个共和国的命运完全取决于人民掌握知识的程度和道德感。
- Without the progress of moral sense, have the new situation with flourishing today sexology impossibly. 没有道德观念的进步,就不可能有今天性科学兴旺的新形势。
- After extirpation of ovaries, women become apathetic and lose part of their intellectual activity or moral sense. 一些切除卵巢的妇女,他们在心理上会变得淡漠并在智力活动和道德感方面都有所损失。
- Since empathy,the ability to put oneself in the shoes of another,is the foundation of the moral sense,the aesthetic moment is also an ethical moment. 既然共鸣,即设身处地为他人着想的能力,是道德观的基础,那么美的瞬间也是道德交流的瞬间。
- Our moral sense dictates a clear-cut preference for those societies which share with us an abiding respect for individual human rights. 我们的道义感使我们必须明确地支持那种同我们一样永远尊重个人人权的社会。
- Doubtless the first answer to occur to mind is because savages are savages; being of low-grade intelligence and perhaps defective moral sense. 我们脑际出现的第一个回答无疑是因为野蛮人就是野蛮人;他们的智力低下,也许道德观念也有缺陷。
- I believe that justice is instinct and innate; the moral sense is as much a part of our constitution as the threat of feeling, seeing and hearing. 我相信正义是本能的和固有的;道德感就像触觉﹑视觉和听觉一样,是我们天生的素质。
- Most of us were taught as children to take good care of inanimate objects, even though they feel no pain and have no moral sense. 多数人在小时候就被教导要照顾好无生命的物体--即便它们感受不到痛苦、没有道德感。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。