- Moore Business School 摩尔商学院
- Two years of business school really paid off. 在商业学校就读两年真是很合算。
- Business school of Havard University. 同样,大学下属的法学院是。
- London Business School is my terminus. 嗯...毕竟是国际企业嘛.
- Why study for the DBA at Nottingham Business School? 为什么选择在诺丁汉商学院深造DBA学位?
- The Wharton business school at UPenn is the nation's oldest. 宾州大学的华顿商学院是全美历史最悠久的商学院。
- The GCD Graduate Business School offers degrees to MBA level. 都伯林格里菲斯学院研究生商学院提供MBA课程。
- Distinguished Fellow at the Harvard Business School. 哈佛商学院的杰出研究员。
- Mrs Li received her MBA degree from Manchester Business School, UK. 李太在英国曼彻斯特商业学院取得工商管理学硕士学位。
- Graduation Commemorative postcard of Shanghai Business School. 上海澄衷学校商科第一届毕业纪念明信片红、绿各一枚。
- Business School Beijing Technology and Business University Nov. 北京工商大学商学院。
- Statistics is a principal course at the business school. 统计学是这所职业学校的一门主要学科。
- Hager is a business school student and former White House aide. 黑格是一名商学院的学生,前白宫助理人员。
- Ever since, he obtained Warton again degree of business school MBA. 其后,他又获得了沃顿商学院MBA学位。
- Can business schools help the armed forces? 商学院的进修对军队能否有用?
- The MIT Sloan School of Management is a business school at and of MIT. 麻省理工学院史隆管理学院为设立于麻省理工学院的商学院。
- We recently encountered a very personal version of business school complaint. 最近我们听到了另一种对管理学院的牢骚,颇有些与众不同。
- But Business School is not introducing such teaching of the number of items. 但商学院还不是推出这类教学项目最多的地方。
- A. Dave Ulrich (1997), Human Resource Champion, MA : Harvard Business School. 李诚主编(2001),高科技产业人力资源管理,台北:天下文化出版,
- AGSM is the only Australian business school featured in the rankings. AGSM是澳大利亚唯一一所挤进该排名的商学院。