- Montreal Friends of Hong Kong 满地可香港之友
- Friends of Hong Kong Cultural Centre Enrolment Form 香港文化中心之友参加表格
- The young people of Hong Kong are very fortunate. 香港的青年人非常幸运。
- Education is the key to the future of Hong Kong. 教育主宰香港的未来。
- China's takeover of Hong Kong is a change,isn't it? 中国收回香港不就是一种变吗?
- Who is the Governor of Hong Kong? 香港总督是谁?
- Regional emblem of Hong Kong S.A.R. GB16690-1996香港特别行政区区徽
- Regional flag of Hong Kong S.A.R. GB16689-1996香港特别行政区区旗
- An annotated bibliography of Hong Kong history. 香港史研究书目题解。
- They can't get used to the urban life of Hong Kong. 他们不习惯香港的城市生活。
- How long is the history of Hong Kong? 香港的历史有多远久?
- Written by Ms. Yin Shihui of Hong Kong. 是香港的尹世慧女士写来的。
- The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd. 香港联合交易所有限公司认股权证相关的股份。
- The Tracker Fund of Hong Kong is launched. 盈富基金成立。
- External direct investment statistics of Hong Kong. 香港对外直接投资统计。
- German Shepherd Dog Club of Hong Kong Ltd. 香港德国牧羊犬俱乐部有限公司。
- United Kingdom agrees handover of Hong Kong. 1984年的今天,英国同意香港的移交。
- Citizens of Hong Kong, this is our mission. 各位香港市民,这就是我们的使命。
- Information courtesy of Hong Kong Observatory. 资料由香港天文台提供;谨此致谢.
- Does the ship call at the port of Hong Kong? 这班船会停香港港口吗?