- Monogram Muirhead 摩诺格兰慕黑德
- Stitches that compose a pattern or monogram. 组成花样或者字母组合的针。
- A design combining or interweaving letters or initials; a monogram. 组合文字字母或开头字母合并或交织成的图案;拼合文字
- A design combining or interweaving letters or initials;a monogram. 组合文字字母或开头字母合并或交织成的图案;拼合文字
- Some of Dad's handkerchiefs are embroidered with his monogram. 我父亲的一些手帕绣着他的名字。
- For anyone who loves a good monogram on a good piece of paper! 群组分享区 (452 个项目 | 仅会员才可以新增内容至分享区。是否加入?
- It's all there except for a little pocketbook with your monogram on it. 您的东西全在里面,除了一只小皮夹子,上面有您名字的起首字母。
- Looks like dot design from far but it is actually a Skeleton Monogram! 特别的骷鲁头点点设计远看是点点!近看是骷鲁头!甜美不失个性!
- Louis Vuitton “Monogram Multicolore” handbag is offered for Rmb700. 一款路易威登MonogramMulticolore手袋要价700元人民币。
- One says that Thomas Jefferson invented it, perhaps as a sort of monogram for TS. 一种说法是:它是由托马斯杰弗逊发明的,为TS交织字母的标记。
- Monogram Velour Hoodie: Regal (dark blue) with rhinestone-studded "JC" script print. 字母组合天鹅绒卫衣,带有品牌标志"JC"。
- Louis Vuitton Monogram Multicolor Canvas Rita M40126 Sale Outlet Gucci Unisex Messenger Ba. 上海哪家月子会所最专业?性价比最高?
- Each pipe should be stamped, painted, and stenciled indicating API monogram, size, weight (lb/ft), grade and length. 每条管要压印、喷漆和镂空刻上表示API的组合字母,尺寸,重量(磅尺),级别和长度。
- Pay attention to the looks of the people around you when you carry your Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas . 另外,在工作之中,真真切切的感觉到自己不会管理,这一点在课堂上学不到,但至少可以尝试着去学学看。
- So, the ever popular beige-on-brown Louis Vuitton monogram can really light up your husband’s face. 当你正在尽力鼓励员工使用和熟悉新系统时,你最不希望看到的一定是员工对新系统的抵触。
- Notice that the LV monogram pattern gradually fades the closer it gets to the top of the bag. 在过去二十年里,鲍尔默先生先后担任了微软公司多项重要职位,负责公司运营、操作系统的开发、销售和支持。
- Monogram Velour Pants: Regal (dark blue) with rhinestone-studded "JC" script print on left hip. 字母组合天鹅绒运动裤,带有品牌标志"JC"。
- The jacquard bathrobe hanging on his bedpost bore the monogram: HOTEL RITZ PARIS. 挂在床柱上提花浴衣上写着:巴黎里茨酒店。
- He purchased a box of delicately coloured and scented writing paper in monogram, which he kept locked in one of the drawers. 他买了一盒子颜色雅致,上面有他姓名首字母的香水信纸,他把这些信纸锁在办公室的一个抽屉里。
- The more a designer takes the name or monogram and tries to add credibility traits, the less recognizable the name or monogram become. 网站设计者越希望在名称与字母组合中添加可信性元素,名称与字母组合的识别性越差。