- Money means nothing to him so he gives most of it away to poor people. 金钱对他来说无关紧要,因此他把大部的钱捐献给穷苦的人了。
- Money means nothing to him. 金钱对他来说是无所谓的。
- Material things meant nothing to him. 物质的东西对他毫无意义。
- Because I mean nothing to him and his wife means everything to him! 因为我对爱德意味着无所谓但他老婆对他意味着全部!
- Did it mean nothing to him that she should refuse to share her bed? 难道他毫不在乎妻子拒绝与他同床共枕?
- Do you really mean it? Money means nothing to me.They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort. 他们有一种奔放不羁的风度,他们没有对卑鄙的野心目标的无聊的追逐和对舒适的迷恋。
- Money means nothing to her. 她视金钱如粪土。
- The money in itself meant nothing to them. 这钱本身对他们来说是没有什么价值的。
- These symbols mean nothing to me. 这些符号我完全不明白是什麽意思。
- I will say nothing to him so as not to grieve him. 我将不对他说什么,以免使他说伤心[难受]。
- Two million dollars means nothing to Bill Gates. 两百万美元,够富了吧。小心有时被视为单数
- These words means nothing to me! 这些话对我来说并不表明什么。
- Whistler don't mean nothing to me, man. 韦斯勒对我来说什么都不是,伙计。
- Then lonesome would mean nothing to you at all. 那么,孤独对你而言没有任何意义。
- Tell him I have nothing to say to him. 我告诉他,他无话可说。
- Your tears, they mean nothing to me. 你的眼泪,它们对我并意味着任。
- A walk of ten miles was nothing to him. 走10英里路对于他来说算不了什么。
- Nothing to him falls carly or too late. 降临他头上的一切,既不太早、也不太迟。
- Your tears they mean nothing to me. 你的眼泪.;对我也没有意义
- If I have so much money, money will mean nothing to me. 如果要有那么多的钱,我就不把钱当他妈的钱了。