- Money continued to flow in . 金钱不断流入。
- Money continued to flow in. 金钱源源而来。
- Profits began to flow in later the same year. 同年晚些时候利润开始源源而来。
- To flow in channels or rivulets. 在沟槽或小溪中流淌
- In the months that followed, more news about Thalidomide continue to flow in. 后来的几个月里,继续传来有关萨立多胺的消息。
- Fresh material and drafts of infantry continued to flow to the front. 新的战略物资和步兵分遣队不断到达前线。
- Because of continued strong inflation, the supply of real money continued to decrease through 1975 in that earlier recession. 因为继续强烈的通货膨胀,真正钱的补给继续在那一个较早的后退中减少过1975。
- In the months that followed, more news about thalidomide continue to flow in 后来的几个月里,继续传来有关酞胺哌啶酮的消息。
- Legislation that continued to languish in committee. 在这个委员会里继续被搁置的方法
- To the place where the streams flow, there they continue to flow. 江河从何处流,仍归还何处。
- And finally, they pledged action to make sure that money continues to be available for home purchases. 最后,他们保证采取行动以确保房屋购买者继续有足够的钱买房。
- The prime exception is China, where hot money continues to pour in and where the current account has a massive surplus. 最显著的例外是中国,因为大量的外资还是追踪而来,那里的国民收支还有巨大的顺差。
- If you continue to steal you'll end up in prison. 你要是继续行窃终归得进监狱。
- Greek mythology) the rarified fluid said to flow in the veins of the Gods. (希腊神话)诸神血管里流动着的稀有液体。
- Filippo Inzaghi came on for Crespo and as the game continued to flow from end to end, Ambrosini drilled a shot wide of the post. 马尔蒂尼随后助攻插上,卡卡直传身后球,对方门将卡尔德罗尼及时出击阻止了红黑队长的这次攻击。
- How will a nation survive if teaching children about money continues to be left to parents-most of whom will be,or already are,poor? 这并非是把人忧天,如果我们继续把教子理财的重任交给那些由于自身缺乏财务知识。
- After several pumps, the water began to flow. 用泵抽了几下之后,水流出来了。
- How will a nation survive if teaching children about money continues to be left to parents-most of whom will be, or already are, poor? 这并非是把人忧天,如果我们继续把教子理财的重任交给那些由于自身缺乏财务知识,正濒于贫困边线或已陷入贫困境地的父母的话,很难想像仅靠家人和社会的救济能够根治他们的“穷”病,实现整个社会的富裕。
- His debts continued to mount up. 他的债务在不断增长。
- Office politics just seem to flow over him. 同事之间互相倾轧、 勾心斗角的事似乎并未波及到他。