- Moist Exposed Burn Ointiment 湿润烧伤膏
- At that time there were many legends about Xu Rongxiang and his inventions of Moist Expo sed Burn Therapy and Moist Exposed Burn Ointment along with a variety of comment s and disputations about them. 关于徐荣祥创建湿性烧伤治疗技术和发明美宝烧伤膏的动人传奇故事和一些议论不绝于耳。
- Objective: To investigate the efficacy of Moist Exposed Burn Ointment (MEBO) in curing extraordinarily severe burn complicated with pertinacity severe hyperglycemia. 摘要目的:探讨湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)在救治特重度烧伤并发顽固性高血糖症治疗方面的作用。
- Some specific nutrients and drugs such as glutamine, Rheum officinale, Moist Exposed Burn Ointment and essential nutrients for intestine can have very good effect on the restoration of impaired gastrointestinal mucous membrane barrier function. 某些特殊的营养物质和药物如谷氨酰胺、思密达、大黄、湿润烧伤膏和肠内营养要素在胃肠粘膜屏障的修复中将起到良好保护和营养使用。
- Moist Exposed Burn Ointment (MEBO) 湿润烧伤膏
- Benefit-cost analysis of moist exposed burn ointment 湿润烧伤膏的成本-效益分析
- Moist exposed burn therapy (MEBT) and moist exposed burn ointment (MEBO) 湿性医疗技术
- Keywords moist exposed burn ointment;silver sulfadiazine;burn;treatment; 湿润烧伤膏;磺胺嘧啶银;烧伤;治疗;
- The Application of Moist Exposed Burn Ointment in Erasing Asphaltum from the Wound 应用湿润烧伤膏清除创面沥青
- Keywords moist exposed burn ointment;training at sea;skin ulcer;dermatitis solaris;efficacy; 润湿烧伤膏;海训;皮肤溃疡;日光性皮炎;
- Comparison Study of Moist Exposed Burn Ointment Regenerative Therapy with SD- Ag Cream Anti-inflammatory Therapy for Big Area Burn 美宝湿润烧伤膏再生疗法与磺胺嘧啶银霜抗炎疗法治疗大面积烧伤的比较研究
- Experience of Moist Exposed Burn Ointment in Treating Oral and Maxillofacial Opening Soft Tissue Trauma: 40 Cases Report 湿润烧伤膏治疗颌面开放性软组织创伤40例临床观察
- Analysis of Fat Acid in Moist Expose Burn ointment by Gas chromatography 湿润烧伤膏中脂肪酸的气相色谱分析
- Keywords facial burn;moist expose burn ointment;silver sulfadiazine; 面部烧伤;湿润烧伤膏;磺胺嘧啶银;
- Moist exposed burn ointment 湿润烧伤膏
- The authors used moist exposed therapy for treating 11 burn patients. Before the application of MEBO, the wounds had blue pus. Pyocyanic infection was proved by bacteria culture. 作者应用湿润暴露疗法治疗11例烧伤患者,接受湿性疗法治疗前创面脓液呈草绿色,创面坏死组织和脓液培养有绿脓杆菌生长。
- The authors used moist exposed therapy for treating 11 burn patients.Before the application of MEBO, the wounds had blue pus.Pyocyanic infection was proved by bacteria culture. 作者应用湿润暴露疗法治疗11例烧伤患者,接受湿性疗法治疗前创面脓液呈草绿色,创面坏死组织和脓液培养有绿脓杆菌生长。
- Exposed burns of face are easily affected. 面部烧伤的裸露易于感染。
- moist expose burn ointment 湿润烧伤膏