- The world-famous Mogao Grotto was first built in 366 AD. 举世闻名的莫高窟是公元366年前秦时期开始兴建的。
- The Mogao Grottos in the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province are composed of conglomerate rock that cannot be carved. 位于甘肃河西走廊的莫高窟属于玉门系砾岩,不能雕刻,
- Could you say something about the Mogao Grottoes? 请阐述一下莫高窟的情况好吗?
- In 1987, UNESCO had Mogao Grotto of Dunhuang solemnly listed as one of the world's legacies, making the "Art Gallery in the Desert" not only a national treasure of China but also an invaluable trove of the mankind. 1987年,联合国教科文组织郑重把敦煌莫高窟列入世界遗产名录。 这座"沙漠上的美术馆"不再只是中国的国宝,它已经成为全人类共同拥有的珍贵财富。
- Mogao Grottoes is a veritable treasure trove of cultural relics. 莫高窟还是一座名副其实的文物宝库。
- The Dunhuang Mogao grottoes is surely a shining pearl on the Silk Road. 丝路明珠敦煌莫高窟
- Many caves in Mogao Grottoes have a series of pictures telling stories. 莫高窟的许多洞窟内有一系列记事壁画。
- The screen painting of Mogao Grottoes is an important part of Dunhuang art. 莫高窟屏风画是敦煌艺术中十分重要的一部分。
- Geologically, the rock mass of the Mogao Grottoes is semi-binder calcirudite of the quaternary sediment of very loose structure. 莫高窟岩体在地质学上属第四纪沙泥质、钙质半胶结砾岩,结构十分松散。
- Mogao Grottoes, also known as "Cheonbuldong" at 25 kilometers southeast of Dunhuang City, on the bluffs overlooking the Mingsha Shan Dong Lu, China's grotto art treasure-house of one of the three. 莫高窟,又名“千佛洞”,位于敦煌市东南25公里处、鸣沙山东麓的断崖上,是我国三大石窟艺术宝库之一。
- Once I attended an international symposium on Dunhuang studies held at the Mogao Grottoes. 我去时,一次敦煌学国际学术讨论会正在莫高窟举行。
- The rock caves and precipice body in the north district of Mogao Grottoes have been all destroyed seriously after going through millennium vicissitudes. 摘要莫高窟在历经千年沧桑之后,其石窟北区崖体都遭到了严重的风化破坏。
- The Kizit Thousand Buddha grottoes in Baicheng county are next only to the famous Mogao grottoes in scale. 新疆拜城县克孜尔千佛洞是规模仅决于著名莫高窟的石窟。
- The largest and richest Buddhist treasure trove in the world, the Mogao Grottoes have been in use for the longest time. 莫高窟是世界上最大、内容最丰富和使用时间最长的佛教艺术宝库。
- There are many invaluable murals and sculptures made between the 4th and the 14th centuries in the Mogao Grottoes. 莫高窟内有许多4到14世纪价值连城的壁画与石刻。
- Dunhuang Grottoes included Mogao Grottoes, Xi Qian Fo Dong, Yulin Grottoes and Xiao Qian Fo Dong at Shuixiakou. 敦煌石窟包括莫高窟、西千佛洞、榆林窟和水峡口小千佛洞。
- Illustrations to the West Paradise, Tang dynasty, cave fresco, cave 217, Mogao Grottoes, Dunhuang. 西方净土变(局部),唐,石窟壁画,敦煌莫高窟第217窟。
- The Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang Grottoes is the nation's artistic treasures, called the "Thousand Buddhas. 敦煌莫高窟是我国三大石窟艺术宝库之一,又名"千佛洞"。
- Playing Pipa on the Back, cave fresco, on the east side of south wall, cave 112, Mogao grottoes, Dunhuang. 反弹琵琶,吐蕃时代,石窟壁画,敦煌莫高窟第112窟南壁东侧。
- The Donations of the Governor's Wife, Tang dynasty, cave fresco, unknown size, cave 130, Mogao Grottoes, Dunhuang. 都督夫人供养像,唐,石窟壁画,尺寸不详,敦煌莫高窟第130窟。