- Modern colleges in Shanghai 上海近代高校
- The car made in Shanghai is very modern. 上海产的那辆车很现代。
- According to all, medicine department university precursor in Anhui is southeast medical college in Shanghai. 据悉,安徽医科大学前身为上海东南医学院。
- Soong May-ling was born in 1897 in Shanghai and went to Wesleyan College in the U.S. to study. After... 宋美龄,1897年出生于上海,1910年去美国威斯理女子大学就读;1920年回国后,参加基督教女子青...
- universities and colleges in Shanghai 高校
- I struck upon that antique in a small shop in Shanghai. 这古玩是我在上海的一家小店里偶然碰到的。
- If all goes according to plan we should be in Shanghai tomorrow. 如果一切按照预定的计划进行,明天我们在上海了。
- There are 31 Colleges in Cambridge. 剑桥大学共有31个学院。
- There are many colleges in Oxford. 牛津大学有许多学院。
- She passed away in Shanghai on June11, at the advanced age of101. 她于六月十一日以一百零一岁的高龄在上海逝世。
- Hilker kitchen are produced in a modern factory based in Shanghai . 优客橱柜由位于上海的现代化工厂统一生产组装。
- She studies at a medical college in New York. 她在纽约医学院就读。
- The First East Asian Games were held in Shanghai in 1993. 第一届东亚运动会於一九九三年在上海举行。
- We have penciled in a meeting for July in Shanghai. 我们已经暂定七月份在上海开会。
- They presented a sum of money to the college in memory of their son. 他们向学院赠送了一笔款项以纪念他们的儿子。
- He lived in Shanghai until he was nineteen. 他在上海一直住到十九岁。
- Colleges in the United States are open to students of all ages. 再比如,美国大学录取学生没有年龄限制
- He is the man whom I met in Shanghai. 他就是我在上海见到的那人。
- I hope I can study in the foreign colleges in the future. 我现在是个高中生,我希望将来能在国外读大学。
- To woo students, colleges in the U.S. choose names that sell. 为吸引生源;美国许多院校纷纷更名;以求叫座.