- In modern cities there are high-rise buildings everywhere. 现代化的都市里遍地是高楼大厦。
- In my opinion, air pollution is unavoidable in modern cities. 我认为空气污染在现代城市是不可避免的。
- Serious pollution in modern cities give some cause for the concern. 现代城市中的污染令人担忧。
- To be perfectly honest, pollution is unavoidable in modern cities. 老实说吧,污染在现代城市里是不可避免的。
- Noise is a curse of modern city life. 噪音是现代城市生活的一大祸根。
- There are a few modern cities, however, that were created out of nothing. 然而,有几个城市却完全是从一无所有的空地上建立起来的。
- Will not it be great to work in a big modern city? 要去一个现代化大都市工作了,这有多好啊。
- Living in a Large Modern City or in the Country? 住现在大城?
- Becky cannot adjust to modern city life. 贝基过不惯现代化的城市生活。
- Guangzhou is a beautiful and modern city! 广州是个美丽和现代化的城市!
- No random building is allowed in a modern city. 在一个现代城市不允许有胡乱的建筑。
- You prefer countryside to modern city. 比起都市,觉得住乡下比较适合自己的个性。
- Is it Good to Live in a Large Modern City? 住在大城市里很好吗?
- London is a modern city in Europe. 伦敦是欧洲的一座现代化城市。
- Modern city, love is fastfood also. 现代都市,爱情也速食。
- That seems to be tantamount to saying there's too much traffic in modern cities. 这似乎等于是说现代城市的交通过于繁忙吧。
- Modern cities are a window of modern civilization and, at the same time, a hotbed of crime. 现代城市是现代文明的窗口, 同时又是犯罪的温床。
- Air quality in Hong Kong is typical of any large modern city. 香港的空气质素与其他现代化大都市相若。
- Shanghai is the most modernized city in China. 上海是中国最现代化的城市。
- There is a forest of tall buildings in the modern city. 这座现代化城市高楼林立。