- Modern Army Supply 现代陆军供给
- In box 5, AVL represents an Army Supply Depot. 在方框5上的AVL表了一个军队补给仓库。
- The infantry, cavalry, artillery and engineers are the arms of the modern army. 步兵、骑兵、炮兵及工兵为现代兵种。
- An order came that all the army supply be sent to the front before daybreak. 命令下来说全军供给在黎明前送到前线。
- In a modern army,cavalry regiments use armored vehicles and ride horses only on special public occasions. 在现代化的军队中,骑兵团使用装甲车,只有在特殊的公共节庆场合才骑马。
- Lynch, a 19-year-old Army supply clerk, was captured more than a week ago after her maintenance unit made a wrong turn and was ambushed in Nasiriyah. 林区,一个19岁任军队补给的接待员,在她维护的部队做了一个错误的转折且遭到袭击后,约一周前被俘掳。
- In a modern army,cavalry regiments use armoured vehicles and ride horses only on special public occasions. 在现代化的军队中,骑兵团使用装甲车,只有在特殊的公共节庆场合才骑马。
- Even in the military realm relative consensus reigns amongst military experts regarding China’s right to develop a modern army. 即使在中国发展现代军事的权利方面,军事专家也有相对的共识。
- In box 4 we have another AVL;the most advanced field army supply depot, which as a rule, is intended for a sector occupied by an army corps, and takes care of the divisions in contact with the enemy. 在方框4上,我们看到另一个AVL,最靠前的战地军队补给仓库,直接支持军团防区和与敌接触的各师。
- The infantry is / are still an important component of the modernized armies. 步兵仍然是现代化军队中的一个重要的组成部分。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。
- Director of Army Supply and Transport 陆军补给及运输局局长
- I hear people talking in an airy way of throwing modern armies ashore here and there as if they were bales of goods to be dumped on a beach and forgotten. 我听到人们轻松地谈到把现代化部队随意送到岸上各处,仿佛他们是一捆捆的货物,扔到海滩上,就可以不再过问了。
- Army Supply and Maintenance Command 陆军供应与保养司令部
- The infantry is/ are still an important component of the modernized armies. 步兵仍然是现代化军队中的一个重要的组成部分。
- In the footsteps of most of the world's modern armies, the Israel Defence Force is going to develop and operate lighter armoured vehicles, weighing around 35-40 tonnes. 在世界上大部分现代军队的前进的脚步声中,以色列国防军将要研制以及使用重量在35到40吨的轻型装甲车辆。
- United States Army Supply Agency 美国陆军通信器材供应局
- Modern Army Record Keeping System 现代化陆军档案保存系统
- The book has been styled in a modern format. 该书已按照现代版式制作。
- Modern medicine has increased man's life span. 现代医学延长了人的寿命。