- Modem Chinese Life Aesthetics 中国现代生命美学
- This is the precious value of our studing ancient Chinese life aesthetic can provide a powerful theory fulcrum for establishing modern Chinese aesthetic systerm. 研究中国古代生命美学,可为建立中国现代美学体系提供有力的理论支点。
- Could I adjust to Chinese life at72? 七十二岁的我能适应中国的生活吗?
- Something has gone from Chinese life. 有的东西已从中国人的生活中消失。
- The organic combination of "the sentiment for the people" with "the power used for the people" in the field of ontology and methodology, teleology and strategic science constitutes the structure general plan of the modem Chinese communication aesthetics. “情为民所系”、“权为民所用”在本体论与方法论、目的论与战略论上的有机结合,组成了中国当代传播美学的建构方略。
- The modem Chinese people are badly in need of that inspirit. 当代中国社会中的人们,尤其需要这种英雄主义精神的激励。
- Could I adjust to Chinese life at 72? 七十二岁的我能适应中国的生活吗?
- Modem Chinese essays flourished because of Europeanized changes in the style. 现代散文卓有成就,源于欧化带来的文体的新变。
- This thesis expatiate the Aesthetics of Law according to the life aesthetics. 与法律科学研究“法之真”、法律伦理学研究“法之善”不同,法美学集中研究“法之美”。
- Mr. Simpson has also written a series of novels dealing with Chinese life. 辛普森先生还写了许多描写中国人生活的小说。
- This course accords with the law that most disyllable words become of modem Chinese language. 这一过程符合许多现汉双音词形成的规律。
- Life aesthetics is the basis of theoretic aesthetics, while theoretic aesthetics is the theoretic providers of life ... 生活美学是理论美学的现实基础,理论美学则为生活美学提供理论支持。
- As one of sources of Modem Chinese neology, the parlance of computer networks contains many terms of computer networks. 网络用语作为现代汉语新词新语的来源之一;包含着大量的网络术语.
- Conclusion part will explain and upgrade Kawabata Yasunari "s fiction art and life aesthetics. 结语部分是对川端康成小说艺术和生命美学思想的系统把握和再次提升、阐释。
- The election is an apotheosis of electing elite completely chaired by modem Chinese intellectuals. 中央研究院第一届院士选举是现代中国学术界自主选举学术精英的典范。
- The whole pattern of Chinese life is organized according to this one idea. 中国人的人生的整个类型是依照这一个观念组织起来的。
- The modem Chinese democratic literature underwent a process of germination, growth, maturity and decline. 中国现代民主主义文学经历了一个萌芽、成长、成熟和衰落的过程。
- Confucius' life aesthetics mainly use "Ceremony", "Happiness" to achieve "benevolence" which is his own moral training and life's highest goal. 摘要孔子的人生美学主要是以“礼”“乐”来实现“仁”,以“仁”作为自己的道德修养和人生的最高目标。
- The modem Chinese judicature was based on the appearance of the concept of nation. 中国近代司法的构建是在民族国家观念兴起的基础上才得以展开的。
- Study Development of Chinese Life Insurance Companies Based on Core Competence. 基于核心竞争能力的中国寿险业发展研究。